America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Lets wait for the numbers
Published on November 5, 2008 By Moderateman In Current Events

First A congratulations to Barack Obama my new President. I will withhold any judgements about him till I see what he does as President in his first term. Who knows this might be a great thing for the country, I have hopes anyways.

Now to adress the subject, in a few states like Virginia the black population voted for Obama as high as high as 90%, while blacks traditionally voted Democrat I don't think the numbers have ever been as high as this also the Latinos voted for Obama in huge numbers, Obama bled off enough White votes to slaughter McCain in his history making victory. But.... Does this show White folks how deep the resentment of minorities have?

I mean lets face it Obama has the least experience of any President-Elect in history, yet he blew away a much more experienced candidate, I do believe much of the voting was done not for the man, but for the color of his skin. Time will tell if this was a mistake or not.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 05, 2008

I said it many times before, ignorance won this election for Obama.

on Nov 05, 2008

Hey Buddy, Glad to see you back for a bit!

I am with you on the fact that Obama is also my president-elect and most likely be my next president. 

I will respect his presidential office.


on Nov 05, 2008

Don't be racist, vote for the white guy!

Actually I prefer Obama's politics over McCain's...but what remains to be seen is if he'll actually carry through with all those promises.  I just think we have a better shot with Obama in the oval office than with McCain.  It's not about race to me, but I do acknowledge it's a big deal in American history.  Breaking color barriers is a big deal...but it wasn't a deciding factor for me. 


on Nov 05, 2008

Actually I prefer Obama's politics over McCain's

You sexist!

on Nov 05, 2008

Breaking color barriers is a big deal...but it wasn't a deciding factor for me.

That is true, but to be the main reason is not. I have said this before, I would not want to be a President if I was chosen simply because I was Black (or Hispanic in my case). Talk about affirmative action, it's nice to know one does not need to prove oneself thee days, all you need is to be different which in turn means change. Maybe next election we can have a choice between a Woman and an Over-weight person, or maybe a Homosexual vs a Hispanic. We may as well break all the barriers as soon as possible so we can move on to picking a leader of this great nation based on his abilities, the way it should be.

on Nov 05, 2008

was chosen simply because I was Black

If you really think he was chosen simply because he's black, you haven't been paying attention.  If that's the case, how come Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have never been seriously competitive in the past?  Obama offered something that voters wanted: Hope and Change.  You don't have to agree with them -- but to say that he only got there because he's black is bothersome to say the least.  


(PS. Welcome back, Elie).

on Nov 05, 2008

I said it many times before, ignorance won this election for Obama.

I wrote two other articles called Obama empty suit and omama empty head, hopefully this man will see the job is much more that just a title.

on Nov 05, 2008

Hey Buddy, Glad to see you back for a bit!I am with you on the fact that Obama is also my president-elect and most likely be my next president. I will respect his presidential office. 

Notice I started off with "my President" that's what I said and that's what I mean.

on Nov 05, 2008

Welcome back, ya big hairy Hebe!I have to shake my head every time I see someone openly admitting they voted for Obama because 'it's about time we had a black man for President' or some equally racist reason.They seem blissfully ignorant of the fact that this flies in the face of MLK's 'dream' that one day, a colorblind society will judge a man by the contents of his character rather than the color of his skin.McCain's character is a given, proven by decades of public service and sacrifice.  Obamas?  He's sure hung around with a lot of shady characters, unrepentant terrorists and outspoken racists who've made THEIR views perfectly clear.  (To everyone but Obama himself, it seems.)The man's either clueless or dishonest.  Some 'character', hmm?


Great comment whip, glad my head cleared enough to write an article.


on Nov 05, 2008

Don't be racist, vote for the white guy! Actually I prefer Obama's politics over McCain's...but what remains to be seen is if he'll actually carry through with all those promises.  I just think we have a better shot with Obama in the oval office than with McCain.  It's not about race to me, but I do acknowledge it's a big deal in American history.  Breaking color barriers is a big deal...but it wasn't a deciding factor for me. ~Zoo

Zoo many white folk voted for Obama including my wife Colleen, much to my shame... eh eh eh... I was "forced to spank her that night.

on Nov 05, 2008

was chosen simply because I was Black If you really think he was chosen simply because he's black, you haven't been paying attention.  If that's the case, how come Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have never been seriously competitive in the past?  Obama offered something that voters wanted: Hope and Change.  You don't have to agree with them -- but to say that he only got there because he's black is bothersome to say the least.   (PS. Welcome back, Elie).

Ah shades, why is it that so many liberals are fine with the thought that so many whites would not vote for Obama simply because he is Black? But not ok with Blacks voting for him for the same reason? More showing of Liberal lesions of the brain. heh heh heh

on Nov 05, 2008

was chosen simply because I was Black If you really think he was chosen simply because he's black, you haven't been paying attention.  If that's the case, how come Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have never been seriously competitive in the past?  Obama offered something that voters wanted: Hope and Change.  You don't have to agree with them -- but to say that he only got there because he's black is bothersome to say the least.   (PS. Welcome back, Elie).
  On the surface, this makes sense to me.  However, When I've asked the question "What exactly does hope and change mean?"  I usually receive a deluted answer that includes "it's time we had a Black President."  If this does not involve the color of his skin then I'm back to my original question.

on Nov 05, 2008

I agree wholeheartedly.

They asked white voters in the exit polls "Is race a factor?". What about the rest?

on Nov 05, 2008

shadesofgreycomment 7was chosen simply because I was Black If you really think he was chosen simply because he's black, you haven't been paying attention.  If that's the case, how come Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have never been seriously competitive in the past?  Obama offered something that voters wanted: Hope and Change.  You don't have to agree with them -- but to say that he only got there because he's black is bothersome to say the least.   (PS. Welcome back, Elie).  On the surface, this makes sense to me.  However, When I've asked the question "What exactly does hope and change mean?"  I usually receive a deluted answer that includes "it's time we had a Black President."  If this does not involve the color of his skin then I'm back to my original question.

Exactly! one such viewing had around 20 or so people asked why they were Obama supporters, not one of them could name a single peice of legislation he created, not one of them could answer any of the questions posed to them except the stock "he stands for change and hope" not oneof them could define what "change and hope meant to them" Most of the people were white BTW>

on Nov 05, 2008

I agree wholeheartedly.They asked white voters in the exit polls "Is race a factor?". What about the rest?

Oh you can never ask a Black that kind of question, you would be branded a racist, your job would be in jeopardy, your very life possibly ruined.!!

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