America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~

I thought I would just drop by to say hello to the very few people that care about me.

Since I have been gone for one month only three people have made the attempt to contact me to see how I have been doing, Little whip, Tex and Adventure dude. To those three I thank them for caring enough to drop a line and to Little whip a special thank you for the uplifting phone calls she has made in an effort not to just see how I have been doing, but to actually give me support while I have been going through the worse depression I have ever had.

I feel as though I am losing my mind, my meds that I have been taking for years now, for some unknown reason, stopped working. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a Shrink to discuss a change of meds to get me back on track. The feeling I have been experiencing is like I am alone trapped in the bottom of a well, doom and gloom are my only feelings. I can't really remember the last time I laughed, for me this is very unusual, as I laugh a lot or use to anyway.

I am really disappointed that I mean so little to everyone else here that I could disappear and only three folks cared about it. I guess my expectations of the community were unreasonable, and truthfully, I do know that "expectations are future resentments" I should know better than to expect anything from people that I really do not know. So the blame is on me from expecting better from the community, not on the community itself. A good reality check can be a good thing, even if it does hurt like hell.

Hopefully the change of meds will snap me out of this and I will start enjoying being alive again instead of dreading each day. I look forward to waking up and looking at Colleen and having the joy I use to have on awakening instead of the feeling of how much of the day I will spend crying about small things, to be able to concentrate for more than a few moments at a time will be a joy that I miss; right now any subject deeper than what is on TV will send me into a crying jag, I just hate this confused and scattered daily torture I have been living.

This roughly 6 week period has dragged on and on and feels like six years, not the six weeks it has been.

I would not wish this kind of mental and spiritual mess on anyone, it's just that bad.

I hope all of you that read this are well, I bear no ill will towards any of you.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 28, 2008

Hey Modman...

I care and I am so glad to see your voice. I hope it all works well with the doctors appointment. There will be sunshine for you soon. I know it.


on Oct 28, 2008

Hope the doc can get you back to normal...I couldn't imagine spending 6 weeks in a virtual hell like that.

It's good to hear from ya again.  Just hang in there, I'm sure you can get through this.


on Oct 28, 2008

Hey Modman...I care and I am so glad to see your voice. I hope it all works well with the doctors appointment. There will be sunshine for you soon. I know it. 

Thank you for the good thoughts abiout the shrink visit.

on Oct 28, 2008

Hope you the doc can get you back to normal...I couldn't imagine spending 6 weeks in a virtual hell like that.It's good to hear from ya again.  Just hang in there, I'm sure you can get through this.~Zoo

Indeed it has been one of the most terrible times of my life. I thank you for the kind thought.

on Oct 28, 2008

I hope to see you back, and hope everything goes OK for you.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do. 


on Oct 28, 2008

I'm sorry, Elie.  I do care.  Sorry if I haven't been the best of friends.  I hope you are feeling better soon. 

on Oct 28, 2008

Island Dog
I hope to see you back, and hope everything goes OK for you.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do.   

A kind thought, a prayer if you do things like that. that is all I would ask of you.

on Oct 28, 2008

I'm sorry, Elie.  I do care.  Sorry if I haven't been the best of friends.  I hope you are feeling better soon. 

I understand, I have not been the best of friends either {{{{{AMY}}}}

on Oct 28, 2008

Hey mod, I don't know you well like LW does, but I do enjoy your comments and I too care. I did mention before you were MIA but figured you just took a vacation like some here do (some with extended vacations). I'm sorry you're not doing so well, are you sure it's the meds and not that Obama seems close to winning ? (just trying to cheer you up with some lame jokes)

May the shink shrink your sad mood and bring out the happy modman I have seen ripping new arses on this site.  



on Oct 28, 2008

Hey MM sorry to hear about the rough times you've been having.  I haven't been around much myself. I went to Maine and just returned yesterday so I've been out of the loop as well.   

I did notice before I left that I hadn't seen you around much but I've noticed that about others as well from time to time thinking they're just taking a break or busy or on a vacation for a bit. 

I'm glad you're getting some help.  You will definitely be in my prayers tonight tho.  Please give us an update tomorrow if you're able and let us know how you made out and how I can effectively pray for your special needs in the coming weeks.  I'd love to put you on my prayer list. 

Blessings MM. 


on Oct 29, 2008

On the contrary MM; most of us here do care, and your well being is important to us. I've been pretty busy balancing my jobs, school, and other obligations as well as I didn't know how to contact you other than through LW. I've had you in my thoughts and what not since I heard about whats been going on with you. I do hope you got the card I sent.


Keep on fightin' man; here's hoping  that things turn around quickly.


Please let me know if there is anything I can do. 


Ditto, anything at all, just let me know and I'll bust my butt on it.


Peace, ~L


on Oct 29, 2008

A kind thought, a prayer if you do things like that. that is all I would ask of you.

Consider it done. 


on Oct 29, 2008

Sorry for my lack of good judgement MM. I have noted your absense, but have not been on much either. Personal life has been monopolizing my time.

I wish you well and hope things work.  I wil say a prayer for you and a good recovery.

on Oct 30, 2008

It's just taking us a while to get our shit together.


 I'll second that.  It's taken me a while to get my shit together too but you have been on my mind and I've been sending you all the good thoughts I can muster (being a liberal like myself, its hard to come by good thoughts, I usually just spend my days moaning about the man keeping me down and thinking up plots to redistribute your wealth!)


Hang in there, MM -- there are loads of us who care.

on Oct 30, 2008

to those that responded to this article or even took the time to read it and choose not to respond, I deeply thank.


To my friend Sabrina, words are never enough to express how deeply I feel about you and you true self. If those people that think you are some kind of raving bitch from hell only knew the real you they would be so ashamed of themselves for lack of judgement, they would don the dunce cap and go sit themselves in the corner.

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