America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on February 12, 2008 By Moderateman In Philosophy

For those of you that think water-boarding is TORTURE, and I have seen many of you say it is torture and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it be used. I propose the following question.


YOUR son, daughter, husband, wife, mother, father, you pick which one! has been kidnapped and one of the kidnappers has been caught and is refusing to talk. Would water-boarding be ok to you then?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 15, 2008

(Citizen)Death_By_BeeblesFebruary 15, 2008 14:49:19Reply #33

So, an eye for an eye is okay with you?

yes, Jewish fellow here, old Testament man myself.

This claim has nothing to do with Waterboarding not being torture. If our own government waterboards our soldiers, then that government is just as guilty of torture as you would be if you waterboarded someone.

You have the choice of refusing this treatment if you so choose, all that happens to you is you "wash out" of training.

I am glad you stand so firmly in your convictions, But this is just a philosophical discussion, I think the reality might play out a little differently.

If a man steals your apple, would you chop off his hand?

Nope, not if he was hungry, if he was just stealing for stealings sake, I would just ask him to put it back. I am not a complete savage, I even know not to pee on the rugs.
on Feb 15, 2008
So let's quit shooting our enemies, since we don't want our family memebers shot. Let's not drop another bomb, since we wouldn't want a bomb dropped on us. Let's just sit around the campfire singing Kum Bayah, since we know that music calms the savage beast.

Of course, that also means we give in to the terrorists, and we can't do that either because we wouldn't want our loved ones to have to live under Shariah law...

Such predicaments.
on Feb 16, 2008
yes, Jewish fellow here, old Testament man myself.

Interesting to note (although not very relevant), Exodus asks that the guilty party give up their eye if they put out another's. It was not the injured person's to take.

So let's quit shooting our enemies, since we don't want our family memebers shot. Let's not drop another bomb, since we wouldn't want a bomb dropped on us. Let's just sit around the campfire singing Kum Bayah, since we know that music calms the savage beast.

Sir, you miss the point. I'm not advocating that we lay down weapons and go our merry way; in fact, I believe that we have a right to (if need be) violent self-defense. I am, however, arguing that torture is wrong. If you don't believe that torture is wrong, then explain yourself; give your arguments in that field. Do not try to exaggerate and exacerbate my claim.
on Feb 16, 2008
I exagerated nothing, I simply used the same logic you used.

I am against torture, however, waterboarding isn't torture.

It also needs to be pointed out that very few detainees are ever waterboarded. The only ones that are are hardcore Al Qaeda and Taliban leadership who have information. It is a waste of time interogate any of the other detainees to that extent. The press and others make it sound like every detainee is waterboarded.
on Feb 17, 2008

Reply By: ParaTed2kPosted: Saturday, February 16, 2008
I exagerated nothing, I simply used the same logic you used.

I am against torture, however, waterboarding isn't torture.

It also needs to be pointed out that very few detainees are ever waterboarded. The only ones that are are hardcore Al Qaeda and Taliban leadership who have information. It is a waste of time interogate any of the other detainees to that extent. The press and others make it sound like every detainee is waterboarded.

Acorring to the Government only three top level Al queda people have been water boarded. Three.!!! but the liberal press has made it seem like three thousand.

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