America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Might as well show the world what it really is about
Published on August 9, 2007 By Moderateman In Medical Technology

This is not about health, the welfare of the nation, it is about politics plain and simple, it is about the DEMOCRATS doing what they do best, Fight a battle with President Bush just for the sake of fighting a battle, from their own comments is is plain as the nose on my face {which is a big nose a great big JEWISH NOSE} that Pelosi and Clinton do not have a clue about what they are talking about, they have done no research into the subject at all, they are just keeping their names in the headlines so it APPEARS they care. Well if they cared they would throw their weight behind what has already been proven to work ADULT STEM CELL RESEARCH!!! But no, they want to kill something before they are happy, it goes with their abortion stance, it's not really human yet is how they make it so they can sleep at night, when they think of it this way in their conscience it's just a blob of cells that one day could become a human being but not yet. Well Nambla Nancy and Makeover Hillary I hope you can sleep well knowing you support the ways and means to kill human beings {abortion} and now want to expand your murderous ways to include embryos too.


On June 20th {My Birthday} President Bush vetoed S5, a bill that would have mandated Federal funding of the type of stem cell research that would require the KILLING of human embryos. At the same time he issued an executive order intended to PROMOTE more federal funding for PROMISING types of stem cell research that does not require the harming of human embryos.

At the time of his veto President Bush stated "destroying human life in the HOPES of saving another human life is just not ethical and it is not the only option before us" Continuing his remarks the President said "we're already seeing remarkable advances in the science and the therapeutic uses of stem cells drawn from adults and children and the blood from umbilical cords, with no harm to the donor".

On the day of his veto Senator Hillary Clinton {D- NY} predictably stated, "it's just one example of how the President puts ideology before science, politics before the needs of our families" Shortly before the threatened veto Speaker of the House Nancy {NAMBLANANCY} Pelosi {D-CA} had stated "science has taken us to a place that is biblical in its power to cure and that is embryonic Stem Cell research" Notice how the Democrats keep trying to weave the Bible into their speeches? So they can PRETEND to not BE THE SECULAR PROGRESSIVES THEY ARE, but just plain folk with deep religious convictions, I wonder if Nambla Nancy opened a bible if it would burst into flame from indignation at this heathen touching it?!!

However Legislative Director of the National Right to Life Committee observed that "Not a single human being has benefited from and procedure using embryonic stem cells, Pelosi's statement is just another demonstration that the Congressional Leadership in much more interested in demagoguery than in supporting the most promising types of stem cell research, which do not require the KILLING of human embryos".

In the East room where President Bush issued his executive order and the veto of S5, he called to attention some patients that have benefited from therapies which DID NOT use embryonic stem cells and also highlighted two recent promising alternative sources. Carol franz had Multiple Myeloma, a very nasty blood cancer. Highly aggressive. She was treated with her own bone marrow adult stem cells, about three years later when the disease started to reappear the therapy was repeated, since then there are no signs of the cancer returning. Kaitlyne McNamara was born with spina bifida a disease which had ravaged her kidneys, none of the traditional therapies worked, till they isolated some healthy stem cells from her own bladder, which in turn was used to grow her a brand new bladder, that was transplanted into her body with no fear of rejection because her own body was the source.

After relating these two stories about success that were medically exciting and ethical and did not involve the murder of embryonic stem cells it should have been front page news, but alas it has been totally ignore by the MSM and the researchers that were hoping for federal funding of their experiments with embryonic Stem cells. Why I ask would this break through be ignored? Because it would show that Bush is right of course and the Democrats are wrong.

The only "news" that came out of this meeting was about the veto of S5 and how wrong Bush is, not even a mention of the miracles from adult stem cells mentioned.

President Bush explained that the passing of S5 would have been "no small step, but a giant leap down a slippery slope" I agree with him on this issue.

There seems to be a faction that is determined to see that only embryonic stem cell research, federally funded is the only path to find cure, although as of today not a single break through has been found in embryonic stem cells.



Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 11, 2007

Hmm . . . actually, I think invoking Godwin's Law at such an early stage in the online debate nullifies any actual credence the statement may or may not have held.

Well, I think since Margaret Sanger's ideas on eugenics were very similar to Hitler's, I think if Godwin's law EVER should be invoked, it deserves to be invoked here!
on Aug 12, 2007

Hmm . . . actually, I think invoking Godwin's Law at such an early stage in the online debate nullifies any actual credence the statement may or may not have held.

Yes, we should not show that killing people was the aim of the Nazis.  That nullifies debate.  So perish the thought we ever get into a discussion of Stalin or Mao and their purges.  We must always forget that, for some of us, fetuses are not masses of cancerous tissue, but actual human souls.  So as long as we can dehumanize a segment of the population - choose which one you want to apply the dehumanization to - we are then free to treat them like lab rats so that at least killing them will serve a greater good.

on Aug 12, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hmm . . . actually, I think invoking Godwin's Law at such an early stage in the online debate nullifies any actual credence the statement may or may not have held.

Well, I think since Margaret Sanger's ideas on eugenics were very similar to Hitler's, I think if Godwin's law EVER should be invoked, it deserves to be invoked here!

Agreement is such a pleasant thing.

on Aug 12, 2007

Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Sunday, August 12, 2007
Hmm . . . actually, I think invoking Godwin's Law at such an early stage in the online debate nullifies any actual credence the statement may or may not have held.

Yes, we should not show that killing people was the aim of the Nazis. That nullifies debate. So perish the thought we ever get into a discussion of Stalin or Mao and their purges. We must always forget that, for some of us, fetuses are not masses of cancerous tissue, but actual human souls. So as long as we can dehumanize a segment of the population - choose which one you want to apply the dehumanization to - we are then free to treat them like lab rats so that at least killing them will serve a greater good.

yep my whole point, if somehow they can think the tissue in question is nothing but a mass of cells with no purpose {not human} it makes it easier for them to sleep at night.

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