America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Unskilled Jobs that need to be done
Published on August 6, 2007 By Moderateman In US Domestic

I have grown exhausted with third and fourth generation welfare recipients, doing nothing to get the money and medical services provided on the backs of Taxpayers, below are a few constructive ideas on how the Welfare folks can get their money while providing valuable service to the American communities everywhere.

The highways are in constant need of roadside cleaning, it is a never ending job. Same with smaller roads, here between where I live and Vacaville is a long stretch on road that cuts through nothing but farmland, it is used as a dumping ground for major appliances, such as washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, ovens, also heavy furniture, couches, chairs and the like.

The areas around waterways, rivers, lakes, sluices. These areas are in constant need of cleaning from left over beer bottles, wrappers, soda cans I am sure you have all seen this mess if you have ever went out doors to any kind of water way. Same thing, another never ending job.

Firebreaks need to be mowed along the highways to prevent cigarette throwers from damaging peoples property, there is a state law here in California that you must leave a six foot break that borders the highways, but the highways themselves are overgrown with dead weeds and other combustibles. In high wild fire areas, this is another never ending job.

The forests that HAVE NOT had a fire in the last decade or so is full of fuel, dead branches, leaves, dead trees on and on, these places need to be cleaned of their fuel for fires, lessening the burden on our already overworked fire-fighters.

Can anyone else come up with Unskilled labor for welfare recipients? The jobs must have a useful purpose and Should not allow anyone to make money off of their work.




Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 06, 2007
Park clean-up.
Building wall along border.
Hand out Welfare checks.
on Aug 06, 2007
Can anyone else come up with Unskilled labor for welfare recipients? The jobs must have a useful purpose and Should not allow anyone to make money off of their work.

I'm not disagreeing with your points here, but as I said in the other thread, if these people are able enough to do community service, then they are able enough to get a job and get off the system.

on Aug 06, 2007
Well, that's what we're doing. We're doing away with the system where they CAN'T work and hiring them as temporary government workers, aren't we?
on Aug 06, 2007
(Citizen)JythierAugust 6, 2007 13:54:32

Park clean-up.
Building wall along border.
Hand out Welfare checks.

I like the building the wall part. a whole bunch, imagine the decrease in cost?
on Aug 06, 2007
(Citizen)Island DogAugust 6, 2007 13:57:44

Can anyone else come up with Unskilled labor for welfare recipients? The jobs must have a useful purpose and Should not allow anyone to make money off of their work.

I'm not disagreeing with your points here, but as I said in the other thread, if these people are able enough to do community service, then they are able enough to get a job and get off the system.

I think that is part of my point, once they see they are going to have to work for their money, they will want to work at a better paying job. No more freeloading.
on Aug 06, 2007
(Citizen)JythierAugust 6, 2007 14:06:11

Well, that's what we're doing. We're doing away with the system where they CAN'T work and hiring them as temporary government workers, aren't we?

Yes I had not thought of it in that way, good pointing out!!
on Aug 07, 2007
I like the idea, but I think it has been proposed before.  And shot down.  The left decrying it as slave labor or some such heated rhetoric.
on Aug 07, 2007
Oh dear, working for your money is slave labor. Well, it might be slave labor, but they're not OWNED. They can still go out and do something else. Or they can do nothing, and starve.
on Aug 07, 2007
(Citizen)Dr GuyAugust 7, 2007 15:17:14

like the idea, but I think it has been proposed before. And shot down. The left decrying it as slave labor or some such heated rhetoric.

The Democrats are experts on slave labor since they fought so hard to deny Blacks any rights at all. It is a good Idea and should be the law, want government {taxpayer} monies and free heralth services, work for it damn it just like everyone else does.
on Aug 07, 2007
JythierAugust 7, 2007 15:20:51

Oh dear, working for your money is slave labor. Well, it might be slave labor, but they're not OWNED. They can still go out and do something else. Or they can do nothing, and starve.

But indeed they are OWNED by the Democratic party, why do you think so many of the poor vote Democrat? because they want that free money to keep on coming.
on Aug 07, 2007
For shame MM! People actually earning their money? What's next? Blaming the criminals for the crime?
on Aug 07, 2007

Reply By: MasonMPosted: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
For shame MM! People actually earning their money? What's next? Blaming the criminals for the crime?

Yeh what was I thinking? Next thing someone will want politicians to actually do something for the country instead of being the self serving motherfuckers they are.




























on Aug 07, 2007
Next thing someone will want politicians to actually do something for the country instead of being the self serving motherfuckers they are.

Now you're just being silly.
on Aug 07, 2007
MasonMAugust 7, 2007 20:02:30

Next thing someone will want politicians to actually do something for the country instead of being the self serving motherfuckers they are.

Now you're just being silly.

yeh I guess I am asking for too much.
on Aug 08, 2007
I guess to avoid the "slave labor" decry, I would say that they can do any job that their abilities allow them. Since in a sense people would see these ideas you proposed as forcing people to do jobs they may normally refuse to do for what ever reason. Maybe trying to base the job placement on what they are capable (skill) of doing can help make it easier to get them working for this money. This is what I mean.

How's about basing the welfare system for those physically capable of working by trying to place them in a qualified job position. They can start giving them the money once they are approved and begin the search, kinda like a temp agency, pay the people the welfare wage until the person can either become permanent or find another job somewhere else. The Gov't can make some kind of beneficial deal with Temp Agencies and businesses that are willing to have welfare people for a certain amount of time till they are either hired permanently or they find another job. This way we can bring down the number of people not working while collecting welfare, the unemployment rate could get lower and these people are given a chance to earn their own living and eventually set themselves free of the Gov't which should be every applicants goal and that of the Gov't as well.
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