Markos Moulitsas Zúniga is the owner of this anger filled blog-site that has gained so much power, kudoes to you for doing do much with so little.
I saw the boy himself On television, a Program called BLOG WARS, it was MOSTLY about Democratic blog sites and how they have had an impact on Democrats and democratic Politics, which is not saying much since we already know Most Democrats are brainless little twits.
Markos Moulitsas Zúniga is obviously one of those kids that had a tough time in school, most likely a bully much like I was in high school took his lunch money away from him after a simple face slap or just a threat with a glare. The Daily kos, is a propaganda filled, hate filled site that says it just wants to change America, but somehow like Most Democrats never gets around to saying how they will change things, typical of the left these days, "get Bin Laden" the end, no how, no plan, no nothing." America has to change" The end, no how, no plan, no nothing.
His voice is high pitched sounding well kind of girly, not that I am claiming to know his sexual preferences. His voiced aspirations is to "own a fancy big car, a real big house and make lots of money" gee he almost sounds like a republican.
This site is a dangerous site because it has a huge following, you can find it by listening for the BLEATING OF SHEEP.
Typical of the far-left they want to now invade Pakistan while withdrawing from the Middle east at the same time. They want us to attack Darfur while decrying casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. Please Democrats from the far left make up your mind, take a position and stand by it!!