America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Rewriting history, The Democrats forte.
Published on May 23, 2007 By Moderateman In Democrat

As most people know if you tell a lie long enough and have enough people constantly repeating the lie, soon the lie takes on a life of its own and becomes a "FACT"

Today I will address Myths and lies about the Iraq war as told by the Democratic Party.

Myth one. President George W. Bush lied about weapons of mass Destruction, in order to invade Iraq. I could quote many Democrats telling the same lie, including Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, Henry Waxman, tom Daschle, and Nancy Pelosi, But I will settle for one quote from Hillary Clinton on October 8th, 2002, "...Intelligence reports SHOW, that Saddam Hussein has worked hard to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stockpile, his missile delivery capability and his NUCULAR program, end quote. There goes lie/myth one.

Myth two. al-queda is not now nor never has been in Iraq. Never the less a democrat from Indiana Evan Bayh describes the Iraq, al-queda connection as Mutually co-operative and beneficial to both sides. While Independent democrat Joe Lieberman said "there are extensive contacts between Iraqi Intelligence service and al-queda" Even the British were fooled into thinking the Iraqis had contact with Bin Laden.

Another Myth is how many casualties {non Combatant} Iraq has had. Some crazy left wingers love to throw out numbers as high as 600,000 with no proof of course. Where the United Nation, no friend to America has civilian casualties around 12000.

Even John Kerry said when he was running for President "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror, and therefore any advance in Iraq is an advance forward"

How short the memories of Democrats are. They not only forget what they said and swore to, the lie and believe their own myths.


on May 23, 2007
Don't confuse liberals with facts, you might make them trip over something.
on May 23, 2007
attention dictator col. gene
on May 23, 2007
(Citizen)Island DogMay 23, 2007 19:16:52

Don't confuse liberals with facts, you might make them trip over something.

Liberals and facts? surely you jest?

Sounds much like trying to mix 80 weight oil with evian water
on May 23, 2007
danielostMay 23, 2007 19:26:23

attention dictator col. gene

Colgangrene is the Father of Lies on joeuser.
on May 23, 2007
Colgangrene is the Father of Lies on joeuser.

sorry i thought he was the grandfather my mistake

on May 23, 2007
danielostMay 23, 2007 20:10:53

Colgangrene is the Father of Lies on joeuser.

sorry i thought he was the grandfather my mistake

yer funny, thanx for the evening chuckle.
on May 23, 2007

Don't confuse liberals with facts, you might make them trip over something.

Too funny, and too true.

on May 24, 2007
The difference from 20 years ago?  While the MSM will not expose the lies, we have other venues to do that now.  So that these lies may get some gullible ones, they will never take hold except in the MSM.
on May 24, 2007

Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Thursday, May 24, 2007
The difference from 20 years ago? While the MSM will not expose the lies, we have other venues to do that now. So that these lies may get some gullible ones, they will never take hold except in the MSM.

While I wish what you say was true, I must disagree doc, I see to many common people that subscribe to these lies. They gladly shout them from every protest, on news shows, how many times have you seen the conspiracy people that say {bush planned and blew up the twin towers}?

on May 24, 2007

how many times have you seen the conspiracy people that say {bush planned and blew up the twin towers}?

I still run into people claiming the moon landings were a hoax as well.  You will never stop those who want to believe from swallowing anything that fits their agenda.  Ignorance is curable.  Stupidity is terminal.

on May 24, 2007

Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Thursday, May 24, 2007
how many times have you seen the conspiracy people that say {bush planned and blew up the twin towers}?

I still run into people claiming the moon landings were a hoax as well. You will never stop those who want to believe from swallowing anything that fits their agenda. Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is terminal.

The perfect example is the king {hahahahahahahahah} of all bloggings latest article.. Sean "SEEMS" intelligent enough, yet there he is mouthing lies, lies and more lies and sadly he believes his lies, while I actually quoted the truth.

he is an example of a lemming blindly following the herd over the end of a ravine into oblivion. Libertarian? HA! HA! double HA!

on May 24, 2007
In answer I refer you to this article written by me with FACTS debunking the bullshit you are claiming to be facts which in reality are just DEMOCRATIC PROPAGANDA.

blah blah blah...i read the article. disagreed.  { quote from seans article from,m sean himself}
HOW DOES ONE DISAGREE with the truth? Just how does one go about that? anyone? answers?
on May 24, 2007

HOW DOES ONE DISAGREE with the truth? Just how does one go about that? anyone? answers?

blah blah blah

Although I think they are typos.  Maybe Bleat bleat, bleat would be more accurate.

on May 24, 2007

Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Thursday, May 24, 2007
HOW DOES ONE DISAGREE with the truth? Just how does one go about that? anyone? answers?

blah blah blah

Although I think they are typos. Maybe Bleat bleat, bleat would be more accurate.

By the way, so far that has been his greatest arguement....

"blah blah blah" short, to the non point.