America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
She gives sellouts a bad name
Published on April 5, 2007 By Moderateman In War on Terror

Besides her being a SanFranfreako Liberal, she managed to sell out not only America on her latest jaunt to the middle East, but managed to sellout Israel at the same time. This is just another demonstration of a politician {a couple of Republicans too} doing their best to not only marginalize President Bush, but to lend some credence to a country that is a known sponsor of terrorism {Hamas and Hezbollah come to mind}.

Is there no low the Democrats will stoop to to capture the White house in 2008?

I must admit there strategy is flawless so far, do nothing in congress except try to continue to Bash Bush, put his aids on trial for nothing, No law was broke dismissing the eight attorneys, they serve at the pleasure of the President, meaning he can fire them if his hair did not look right one morning, I find it amazing that no one said a word when Wild bill fired 92 Attorneys, where was big mouth Chuckie Shumer then? Where was Harry Reid calling for criminal investigations then?

I have not been watching much news as it just aggravates me to much, but this latest slap in the face to America by Pelosi was just to much for me to not say something.

Pelosi is speaker of the House, not an international diplomat, she carries no authority to do anything, she cannot make any agreements with any country. This was just one big Photo opportunity for Pelosi and she made the most of it, damn the fact she screwed Israel by telling a huge lie, Israel told her nothing about any peace overtures with Syria, yet there she was speaking not just for America, but for another country. Could it be Pelosi is not satisfied with being just the speaker of the House of representatives? but is seeking a higher office as Speaker for the entire world?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 06, 2007
Did anyone stop to think that Bush probably asked her to go and also told her that he would attack her in the media because he had to?

That's Machiavellian. But I dont see them keeping that a secret (Pelosi and Bush) if it is true.
on Apr 06, 2007
Like I said, any Senator or Representative from a state that I am not from, does not represent me. It doesn't matter to me if they are Republican, Democrat, or the man in the moon. I do not agree with Nancy Pelosi going over there for "diplomatic talks" in my name.

I did not have the opportunity to not vote for them, so they do not represent me in any capacity, especially in foreign affairs.
on Apr 06, 2007

Reply By: Sean Conners aka SConn1Posted: Thursday, April 05, 2007

Since when did anyone proclaim them such?

the assumption that she must be lying and the prime minister is being honest.

I rest my case.. see above.. I have not been writing at all in case you have not noticed sean.

yeah, pretty convenient to say that after i asked the question. i guess the real answer is that you are just interested in attacking democrats. act is tht somebody has to talk to those people, but as long as condi and the state dept are being whining lil girls about "talking to our enemies" as if that's a new and radical concept, i applaud both the republicans and democrats that have attempted to talk to syria in whatever capacity availible. be it official or non official. if you notice, i didn't ask about why you didn't criticize them, but i asked why no mention?


Seems like you are spoiling for a fight sean.. you will not get one here. let us agree to disagree.

on Apr 06, 2007

Reply By: John GaltPosted: Thursday, April 05, 2007
Did anyone stop to think that Bush probably asked her to go and also told her that he would attack her in the media because he had to?

The reason? Because by her going to Syria, Bush doesn't have to talk to either Iran or Syria officially but could convey a message to both Syria and Iran what would happen if the British soldiers were not released.

It isn't coincidence that she went, and the soldiers were released. Syria even admitted that they were partially responsible.

So traitor? No. Quietly doing her job as asked of her by Bush? Yes.

some diverse thought this. Could be,.. but would she be willing to make a target of herself?

on Apr 06, 2007
Reply By: little-whip
thanx for stopping by sabrina
on Apr 06, 2007
Seems like you are spoiling for a fight sean.. you will not get one here. let us agree to disagree.

that's ok with me. no need for either of us to get all riled up, lol...anyway, i stated my position more clearly here...WWW Link where someone is trying to hijack and fight, as if they mattered, lol...

take care elie...i can certainly respect a consistant position where no congressional members engage with foreign governments. i don't agree with it, but i understand it and respect long as it's even handed.
on Apr 07, 2007
(Citizen)little-whipApril 6, 2007 16:36:52

will call Sunday.. happy Geezer to you too.
on Apr 23, 2007

a) why not a word about he republicans who went to syria?

since when is an isreali politician the "voice of God?" the isreali prime minister is a politician too, remember... our politicians lie 100% of the time and theirs are honest 100% of the time? i don't think so.

The answer is obviously when you're a Bush supporter!
Seriously, I'm not sure why this is such a big issue. Tt may be unusual for a speaker of the house to do this, but these are unusual times. There isn't anything in the constitution saying she can't, it's not like she's meeting with them to make a treaty or alliance or anything. In her view, she's probably trying to meet with them since she thinks the Bush admininstration never will. I'm not saying you're wrong, maybe it is out of place. I just think there are far more important issues facing the country than little old lady's trip to Syria, which others have done and no one would have heard about it if it wasn't reporte so much in the media.

on Apr 23, 2007
Hey, kiddo, did you hear about the Republicans that went to Syria before or at the same time as Speaker Pelosi (Rep. Robert Aderholt’s (R-AL), Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), and then Rep. David Hobson (R-OH) who actually accompanied Pelosi)? Where you mad when Newt Gingrich took a solo trip to China in 1997, or when he went to Israel in 1998?

Or are you just a partisan hack? Oh damn, why did I even ask the question? Of course you are!

on Apr 23, 2007
P.S. Laura Bush has also worn head coverings in Muslim countries -- let's talk shit about her now, ok?
on Apr 23, 2007
hahaha you guys (Dr. Guy, MM, and Little-Whip) are my favorites, just like Col. Gene. So predictable. It is so amusing.
on Apr 23, 2007
Plus, you have to admit, she did a good job ape-ing exactly what the Bush Administration wanted her to say. You might not like what she did, but she sure didn't say anything inflammatory or pernicious about this administration.
on Apr 23, 2007
lol Newt did more harm in Israel in 1998 than Pelosi in 2007...but these hacks won't care because Newt is God and Pelosi is the me personally, I think the person third in line for the Presidency might have some clout and be able to operate independently from the executive branch, but that's just me. I'd like John Roberts to give an opinion that the Executive doesn't like and see guys like LW, MM, and Dr. Guy hate on, it would be amusing, the Judicial Branch leader breaking with their Imperator. Even better, if Ruth Ginsburg were Chief Justice, what might they say even if she said the same thing John Roberts would have said?

It isn't even about ideas anymore with these people, it's about what the "opposition" says and how they will discount it. I'd like to hear what they have to say about Republican senators say about Abu Gonzales resigning -- they'd be at such a loss. He's Bush's man, so those Republican Senators must be members of the "Democrat Party" in GOP clothing. It's amusing. No, wait, it's sort of scary, because maybe Brutus and Cassius were right in wanting to keep the Republic...hahahaha too bad W. isn't any Octavius. He's not even Caligula.

on Apr 23, 2007
lol just like it's OK for Abu Gonzales and Scooter Libby to lie under oath because DEMOCRATS DID IT TOO!

oh come now, shouldn't we ask for honesty, even if we don't agree?

on Apr 23, 2007
lol just like it's OK for Abu Gonzales and Scooter Libby to lie under oath because DEMOCRATS DID IT TOO!

Great idea! When you cant debate the subject, change it! Typical.
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