America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on December 22, 2006 By Moderateman In Religion

The following is a perfect exchange for someone that is so wrapped in  selective parts of the Bible {that means the Old and New Testament} to back up her arguments that she cannot see the individual trees that make up the entire forest. Narrow minded Religious kook at her finest {tongue in cheek}  The writing in red is my writing in the body of the article.


Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people 

who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant 

Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and 

cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to 

Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. 

It's funny, as well as informative:


Dear Dr. Laura:


Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have 

learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as 

many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, 

for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be 

an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, 

regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them


When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing 

odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor 

is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? Only if you have a good alibi and a top lawyer!


I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In 

this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? I think it matters if she is a virgin or not, I know towel heads pay extra for virgins.


I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of 

menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have 

tried asking, but most women take offense. How does one go about this on first date? Yo baby you onna rag?


Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, 

provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims 

that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I 

own Canadians?  yeh why can't I own a couple slaves? Lord knows I need someone to cook and clean house for me.


I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly 

states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? I think contracting it out to a goy makes more sense to me.


A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - 

Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can 

you settle this?


Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect 

in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have 

to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?


Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their 

temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they 

die? Buried up to the neck, then stoned to death is the usual punishment meted out.


I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, 

but may I still play football if I wear gloves?


My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in 

the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different 

kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme 

a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the 

whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them 

to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their 

in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can 


help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and 


 If this upsets anyone, you really need to look inside a decide why YOU only follow those of GODS laws that please YOU, and ignore the ones that do not please you or are inconvenient for you. Hypocrisy is ugly no matter who uses it.

on Dec 22, 2006
on Dec 22, 2006
(Citizen)Sean Conners, a.k.a. SConn1December 22, 2006 11:52:22


wow, high praise indeed.
on Dec 22, 2006
Exactly, the bible was written to the times it was written in and whatever the fundamentalist want to believe God didn't write it. Fallible men did. Men who make mistakes. I don't care if they were "inspired" or not, they were not perfect. Not to mention that men chose which writings made the cut and comprise the bible and which didn't. And men who sometimes mistranslated or misprinted the texts. Martin Luther wanted to get rid of the book of James because he said it was an "epistle of straw". I think the issue is that James says that what you do matters as much as what you say. Imagine that. Having to walk the walk not just talk the talk.

I still say that I don't think people chose to be gay. I never chose to be attracted to men. That's just how I am and how I have always been. I don't care what gay people do as long as it's between two consenting adults in private. I don't want to watch.
on Dec 22, 2006

Reply By: Locamama Posted: Friday, December 22, 2006
Exactly, the bible was written to the times it was written in and whatever the fundamentalist want to believe God didn't write it. Fallible men did. Men who make mistakes. I don't care if they were "inspired" or not, they were not perfect. Not to mention that men chose which writings made the cut and comprise the bible and which didn't. And men who sometimes mistranslated or misprinted the texts. Martin Luther wanted to get rid of the book of James because he said it was an "epistle of straw". I think the issue is that James says that what you do matters as much as what you say. Imagine that. Having to walk the walk not just talk the talk.

I still say that I don't think people chose to be gay. I never chose to be attracted to men. That's just how I am and how I have always been. I don't care what gay people do as long as it's between two consenting adults in private. I don't want to watch.

I never liked people that use the bible for their own purposes while totally ignoring the sentence before and after the sentence they are quoting. I consider that despicable and intolerant behavior as well as hypocritical living. I do not trust RELIGIOUS institutions, period! I ain't religious, but I do have a strong belief in God and do try to follow Gods word, that includes the words I do not particularly like following.

While I believe that being gay is NOT a choice, mashing your preferences in my face in public, certainly IS!

on Dec 22, 2006
I never liked people that use the bible for their own purposes while totally ignoring the sentence before and after the sentence they are quoting.

I had a Sunday school teacher who would ask us to read a specific verse but because I had a new translation (plain englsh) and not King James, he would have someone else read it. I guess he couldn't put the proper spin on it without the thee's and thou's obscuring things.

Another thing that cracked me up is how they never wanted to quote the old testament until it came time to speak about tithing. Then they were thumping the Old Testament hard. Until then, it's everything in the old testament changed when Jesus came.
on Dec 22, 2006
Another thing that cracked me up is how they never wanted to quote the old testament until it came time to speak about tithing. Then they were thumping the Old Testament hard. Until then, it's everything in the old testament changed when Jesus came.

cha-chinging didn't end with christ i guess, despite his efforts in the temple.

on Dec 22, 2006
You know what the sad part about this is...there ARE people who do think, act and feel the way that writer do. And they claim to be OF GOD. Makes you wonder what they would be like if they weren't!

on Dec 22, 2006
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing

odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor

is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

Maybe he should try some BBQ sauce.
on Dec 22, 2006

Reply By: LocamamaPosted: Friday, December 22, 2006
I never liked people that use the bible for their own purposes while totally ignoring the sentence before and after the sentence they are quoting.

I had a Sunday school teacher who would ask us to read a specific verse but because I had a new translation (plain englsh) and not King James, he would have someone else read it. I guess he couldn't put the proper spin on it without the thee's and thou's obscuring things.

Another thing that cracked me up is how they never wanted to quote the old testament until it came time to speak about tithing. Then they were thumping the Old Testament hard. Until then, it's everything in the old testament changed when Jesus came.

My tithing motto is " I will match you penny for penny what YOU pay in taxes"

on Dec 22, 2006

Reply By: MasonMPosted: Friday, December 22, 2006
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing

odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor

is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

Maybe he should try some BBQ sauce.

nope then you have a God problem, he likes his bull offerings au natural