America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on December 1, 2006 By Moderateman In Politics

While I could on an intellectual level understand the anger from the Democrats over the last 6 years, no power, no vision {still they have no vision}, I cannot for the life of me understand why are they still pissy?

From incoming congressman webs RUDE snub of the President to infighting over Jack {quick runaway and hide Murtha}, to the infighting over Alcee{gimme money for my decisions} Hastings, The Democrats having no one on the right except the President to fight about now are turning on each other. Like a pack of rabid dogs savaging meat, I will sit back, enjoy the spectacle of the most liberal House speaker ever try to run America into the ground with higher taxes and more entitlements for people that should really learn how to take care of themselves.

After there sweeping victory in November Midterms one would think the left would calm down, but noooo.. they continue to fight, even when there is no need to.

I wonder if the left knows how lucky they are to win the way they did? They ran on the famous "we can do it better" without ever defining what "IT" is.

For at least five years all we have heard is bickering, complaining and cries of anyone but Bush, well kids now that you have won, try to at least act like adults and govern.


Comments (Page 6)
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on Dec 06, 2006
(Citizen)Dr. GuyDecember 6, 2006 15:12:27

Glad you recognized that reference.

I could not remember Dan's comeback.

first off it was "jane you ignorant slut" usually delivered by bill murry or dan ackroid.
on Dec 06, 2006
(Citizen)Mike's Daily LogDecember 6, 2006 14:26:13

I want to thank you for proving my point in writing this. you have been rude, totally ignore any other view but your own, you dimiss people with a typical "you are stupid" or some such nonsense... in essence a typical ANGRY LIBERAL.

thank you.

on Dec 06, 2006

ModerateMan, you ignorant slut. How did you manage to misquote Doc's post?
on Dec 06, 2006
(Citizen)Mike's Daily Log December 6, 2006 17:29:40

Moderate Man, you ignorant slut. How did you manage to misquote Doc's post?

I am an illiterate and nasty slut.. get it right!!

dunno, just hadda brain fart.
on Dec 06, 2006

I could provide links and specific examples and maybe I'll write an article when I get the time with references, but if you had been following the news, you'd know what I was talking about. I don't believe you read the news. You don't like what's in the news so you discount it as having a liberal bias.

...Right. Because, you know, i don't follow the news. And your evidence for this is that I don't share your opinions...

Okay, thanks for making it clear that you don't know how to debate a topic. It's just endless "You're dumb if you don't agree with me" statements.

on Dec 06, 2006
There are still a few traditional conservatives in the republican party, but they are rare.

You lost all credibility right there. You obviously have no clue.
on Dec 06, 2006
You lost all credibility right there. You obviously have no clue.

What does he have no clue about? That there are no traditional conservatives in the Republican party anymore? That they've all jumped ship and given up on politics in general?
on Dec 06, 2006

He has no credibility because all he seems to know how to do is make blanket, unsupported proclaimations and if you don't agree with them he'll simply call you dumb. And this from a guy who uses the old canard "if you support the war you should join the military" (and if you support law enforcement, you should become a police officer too I guess).

So why is the left so mad? Because they're made up of people like Mike.

on Dec 06, 2006
...Right. Because, you know, i don't follow the news. And your evidence for this is that I don't share your opinions...

Okay, thanks for making it clear that you don't know how to debate a topic. It's just endless "You're dumb if you don't agree with me" statements.

Okay, whiner. Guess who made these statements:

Your ignorance knows no bounds.
before you utter more ignorance on history,
You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding Me.
Do you understand how to debate at all,

on Dec 06, 2006
He has no credibility because all he seems to know how to do is make blanket, unsupported proclaimations and if you don't agree with them he'll simply call you dumb. And this from a guy who uses the old canard "if you support the war you should join the military" (and if you support law enforcement, you should become a police officer too I guess).

So why is the left so mad? Because they're made up of people like Mike.

Alright, explain why you don't join the military if you support the war. They're short handed, so why don't you help out?
on Dec 06, 2006
I had to break for dinner and didn't get a chance to fully respond...

And this from a guy who uses the old canard "if you support the war you should join the military" (and if you support law enforcement, you should become a police officer too I guess).

This statement is so illogical, it's hardly worth responding to, but I will anyway. You believe that our national security justifies this war, but you're not willing to fight. You want other people to fight your battles for you. Answer this question... If your neighborhood security was in jeopardy because the police were short handed, you wouldn't try to help out? If you answered no, you're a coward. If you answered yes, you're a hypocrite for not trying to help out in Iraq. After all... "our national security depends on it."

So what are you? A coward or a hypocrite? There's a third option. Join the military. Of course, that would require some integrity and sacrifice. Hell, you're not even willing to help pay for the war. You're pathetic.
on Dec 06, 2006
(Citizen)Mike's Daily LogDecember 6, 2006 19:14:18

Alright, explain why you don't join the military if you support the war. They're short handed, so why don't you help out?

for one I am 60, have hep c and am busy dieing slowly.. for two I already fought in a war , vietnam 1965-1966 proudly served U.S.M.C.
on Dec 06, 2006

Good gravy.

Look at what you just wrote:

If your neighborhood security was in jeopardy because the police were short handed, you wouldn't try to help out?

The answer is - Yes, if the police were short handed I would help out.

Are you arguing that our military is short-handed?  If our nation's security was in jeopardy and they needed my physical help to preserve it I would join. 

But I think most intelligent people (or as you call them "news watchers") would agree that the military is better served by me doing what I do best -- produce wealth. The $2+ million in taxes I generated last year probably does a lot more good for the military than some out of shape 35 year old in fatigues. But hey, what do I know?

All you seem to have are personal attacks. Which is pretty funny since you're  personally attacking the guy who owns the site over and over.  So let me put it like this - if you continue to make personal attacks, you're gone. 

If you can't argue the issue without personally attacking the person, you are not welcome on my site. 

Your responses get shriller and shriller.  Whereas before you were content to simply call those who don't agree with you as "dumb" and "weak minded".  Now you've upped it to those who don't agree with you as being cowardly and pathetic.

You seem totally oblivious to the fact that you are making the original article's case: Why is the left so angry.

So tell us Mike, why are you so angry? I gave my theory why -- you lack the skills to move your agenda forward.  Because you think those who think differently from you are just a bunch of "dumb, weak minded, cowards" you will never be able to persuade them that your point of view is valid. 

Rather than providing reasons to show merit for your point of view, you offer bile.  Your arguments, as a result are uncompelling and therefore you make no progress in moving your agenda forward.

I submit that your own responses in this article have only made the case stronger that the leftwing is populated by a bunch of arrogant, slightly unhinged wanna-be authoritarians.  I mean, heck, if we're just a bunch of weak minded, dumb, cowardly scum, surely what is needed (to replace that pesky democracy) is an elite council of learned scholars such as yourself to guide us.

And because that is the impression you give, you'll never be a leader.  You will always, no matter how shrill you get, be at the mercy of people like me. Fortunately, conservatives are quite tolerant of other points of view in real life.  It's a pity that liberals demonstrate (time and time again) their intolerance of others as you (Mike) have amply demonstrated in your responses.


on Dec 06, 2006
for one I am 60, have hep c and am busy dieing slowly.. for two I already fought in a war , vietnam 1965-1966 proudly served U.S.M.C.

Sorry to hear that, MM. I was talking about people who support the war and are able but not willing to fight.
on Dec 06, 2006
And because that is the impression you give, you'll never be a leader. You will always, no matter how shrill you get, be at the mercy of people like me. Fortunately, conservatives are quite tolerant of other points of view in real life. It's a pity that liberals demonstrate (time and time again) their intolerance of others as you (Mike) have amply demonstrated in your responses.

Wrong-o, dog breath. I've never shown disrespect towards anyone on this board and it wasn't until you were disrespectful towards me, that I gave the same in return.

You repeatedly call me a liberal even though every statement I've made has come from a true conservative viewpoint. But that is your only defense. Everything has to be in black-and-white for people like you. Even this site. What's your up-time for this site? 75%? From what I can tell, your server is running on MS Windows with MS .net and probably MS SQL Server. You're even a sheep to Microsoft products. You'd get a lot better performance with a LAMP system.

And so, you can ban me if you want. I know weak minded people like you can't handle dissension.
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