America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on October 27, 2006 By Moderateman In Politics

First off this is not some kind of fact, it is strictly my OPINION.

So there will not be links to anything to back up what I am about to set forth.

Minorities are being set up and all human pride is being sucked out of them, some examples are, The left does not feel as though minorities can take care of themselves, while the right feels they can and will if opportunity is provided.

The left keeps saying over the years, minorities NEED an advantage over whites, such as the equal opportunity act. Some major schools give blacks points on there entrance simply for being black.

Some politicians {read the left} do not think most minorities can figure out how to vote for instance.

Some states offered free Identification cards to ANYONE that needed them, they even offered to come to the homes of anyone that could or would not get them themselves. These cards were to be used in voting, to show you were eligible to vote. Sounds fair right? No! screams the left it is racist and demeaning. Again the offer of being equal is rejected because these 'PEOPLE" need to be protected. Protected from whom? Racist that are out.. such as skin heads, the real nuts on the conservative right that espouse religion and hate Jews and minorities, The KKK, they are all marginalized and are Jokes.

Right now, Racism and discrimination is kept mostly alive by members of minorities feeding off their brothers and sisters. This is NOT to deny racism exist!!

Which is worse? to own another human being or to strip them of every shred of human pride and dignity they have?

I will leave this up to the reader to decide.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 29, 2006

Lot of back and forth here now, with a thank you to whip, king, mike,and pictorius, since I have nothing further to add, I am just sitting enjoying the exchange.


tip of the hat to zoo, for proving a point on a personal level.

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