America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on October 27, 2006 By Moderateman In Politics

First off this is not some kind of fact, it is strictly my OPINION.

So there will not be links to anything to back up what I am about to set forth.

Minorities are being set up and all human pride is being sucked out of them, some examples are, The left does not feel as though minorities can take care of themselves, while the right feels they can and will if opportunity is provided.

The left keeps saying over the years, minorities NEED an advantage over whites, such as the equal opportunity act. Some major schools give blacks points on there entrance simply for being black.

Some politicians {read the left} do not think most minorities can figure out how to vote for instance.

Some states offered free Identification cards to ANYONE that needed them, they even offered to come to the homes of anyone that could or would not get them themselves. These cards were to be used in voting, to show you were eligible to vote. Sounds fair right? No! screams the left it is racist and demeaning. Again the offer of being equal is rejected because these 'PEOPLE" need to be protected. Protected from whom? Racist that are out.. such as skin heads, the real nuts on the conservative right that espouse religion and hate Jews and minorities, The KKK, they are all marginalized and are Jokes.

Right now, Racism and discrimination is kept mostly alive by members of minorities feeding off their brothers and sisters. This is NOT to deny racism exist!!

Which is worse? to own another human being or to strip them of every shred of human pride and dignity they have?

I will leave this up to the reader to decide.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 27, 2006

)Mike's Daily LogOctober 27, 2006 16:35:29

first welcome to my blog... thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

"Learning to fish" could be a metaphor for education, and the left has done far more to provide the opportunity to get an education.

nope learning to fish in THIS CASE is learning to do for yourself..;. the right has been saying make your own life better for years, the left says here let us make your life better... huge difference.
on Oct 27, 2006
(Citizen)little-whipOctober 27, 2006 17:58:16

Learning to fish" could be a metaphor for education, and the left has done far more to provide the opportunity to get an education.

You've got to be kidding, right? 'The left' has been in charge of education via all powerful unions for decades now, and our educational system is abhorrent, lagging far behind those of our western counterparts in the world.

not just behind... way behind.

It is because of the unwillingnes to fail students that deserve failure.. we reward failure now with passing grades for morons who cannot even read at a fifth grade level.
on Oct 27, 2006
It is because of the unwillingnes to fail students that deserve failure.. we reward failure now with passing grades for morons who cannot even read at a fifth grade level.

Agreed, the left holds a lot of responsibility for the "dumbing down" of our schools, especially back in the rampant political correctness of the 80s and early 90s. Remember "ebonics?" That was a low point in our educational system. Actually, that was late 90s. My point was, democrats push for more funding of state colleges and universities as well as financial aid. One of the problems with that has been, they tie it to race. A wealthy black student can get more financial aid than a poor white student.
on Oct 27, 2006
as A JEW, I would much rather "see" the racist than have them slowly steal away my dignity by telling me I am too stupid to make my own way in life.

I don't blame you for that...I just wonder where racists get all their energy to be racist. Doesn't make sense to me...never did.

on Oct 27, 2006

A wealthy black student can get more financial aid than a poor white student.
Reply By: Mike's Daily LogPosted: Friday, October 27, 2006


and this is fair on what planet? I am agreeing witrh you BTW... this unfair practice which in many cases takes away from good students is ALSO a democrat gift. {sarcasm}

on Oct 28, 2006
and this is fair on what planet? I am agreeing witrh you BTW... this unfair practice which in many cases takes away from good students is ALSO a democrat gift. {sarcasm}

Yeah, you're right. It's not fair. And it does more harm than good because it promotes the “victim” mentality among minorities. Still, there is typically more financial aid available to everyone due to democratic legislation and also more funding for state universities, which keeps tuition affordable.
on Oct 28, 2006
It's called Paternalism .. as in "I'm your Daddy and I know what's best for you".
on Oct 28, 2006
)Mike's Daily Log October 28, 2006 00:31:13

and this is fair on what planet? I am agreeing with you BTW... this unfair practice which in many cases takes away from good students is ALSO a democrat gift. {sarcasm}

Yeah, you're right. It's not fair. And it does more harm than good because it promotes the “victim” mentality among minorities. Still, there is typically more financial aid available to everyone due to democratic legislation and also more funding for state universities, which keeps tuition affordable.

have you been paying attention to the tremendous RISE in tuition? affordable has become a thing of the past. Most get financial aid or grants, the lucky ones get scholarships. While I agree that the left does a little more for students, I think it is for the wrong reasons.

wow a exchange with differing views and not one attack or cus word. thank you mike.
on Oct 28, 2006
Reply #24
It's called Paternalism .. as in "I'm your Daddy and I know what's best for you".

I know that's the attitude of the left, the "WE" know best, I have never heard it put that way.
on Oct 28, 2006
have you been paying attention to the tremendous RISE in tuition? affordable has become a thing of the past. Most get financial aid or grants, the lucky ones get scholarships. While I agree that the left does a little more for students, I think it is for the wrong reasons.

There has been a tremendous rise in tuition because state funding has not kept up with costs. Tuitions at state universities here in Colorado are now about the same as some of the private universities, thanks to right wing initiatives such as the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) and a republican governor. Now, I agree with some of the provisions in TABOR, but the fact is, it has caused tuition rates to skyrocket. Bill Ritter, democratic candidate for governor, is running on a platform to make state universities more affordable. The republican candidate hasn't said a word about it.

If you think about it, government investment in education is a great investment. People with college degrees earn far more than those without, thus they pay more in taxes, and the government get a big return on its investment.

wow a exchange with differing views and not one attack or cus word. thank you mike.

I know. I must be getting old!
on Oct 28, 2006
have you been paying attention to the tremendous RISE in tuition? affordable has become a thing of the past. Most get financial aid or grants, the lucky ones get scholarships.

You bet your ass...My cost of going to school for one year is around $36,000. Luckily I have some grants and scholarships to buffer I'm only borrowing around $12,000 a year...still a kick in the ass, but it could be worse.

on Oct 29, 2006
The left keeps saying over the years, minorities NEED an advantage over whites, such as the equal opportunity act. Some major schools give blacks points on there entrance simply for being black.

no matter who's said what over the years, facts are facts. here's one for you.

following the passage of prop 209 which prohibits california's schools from "giving blacks points" for being black, the number of black incoming freshmen dropped 40%

you may or may not know about ucla's 2006 freshman class. here's a fairly good summary:

UCLA holds the dubious distinction of admitting the lowest number of California African-American freshmen in the entire UC system — just 210 of the campus’ 10,487 admitted California freshmen for 2006 (2%). Given that the yield rate for African-American students admitted to the campus has been around 50% in recent years (but is declining), we are looking at a freshman class for 2006 that will contain only about 100 African Americans out of 4,500 students.

While K-12 inequities are clearly an important part of the problem, California Proposition 209 and the admissions practices shaped by it are also pivotal. The number of African-American students admitted to UCLA’s freshman class has dropped 57% since affirmative action in admissions ended a decade ago.

ucla admissions

whatever the deadliest sin may be, i'm fairly sure it's not related to encouraging anyone to get an education.
on Oct 29, 2006
Given that the yield rate for African-American students admitted to the campus has been around 50% in recent years (but is declining),

Well, that's only right, kingbee, since blacks only comprise about 17% of the population. Why should they be 'given' 50% of admissions to anything?

I mean given literally, too, even if that result is achieved through subterfuge, like the dumbing down of tests and other entry requirements until such a result is achieved.

Far too many people have confused 'equal opportunity' with equal results. When we start fiddling with results, the opportunities are no longer equal at all, but skewed to ensure the equality of results.

My guess is that in order for UCLA to have bragging rights for GRADUATING a 17% figure for African Americans, they had to have an admission rate of 50%. There's nothing equal about this, and I'm glad they put a stop to the practice.

In my opinion, the problem starts with the low quality of PUBLIC education available to blacks raised in low income areas, we need school choice, we need to hold our educators accountable for their dismal results, and we need to abolish their leftist dominated unions that have brought so much misery to the very people who vote them into office on empty promises.

Of course, the left HAS to maintain a permanent underclass in America, who else would vote for them?
on Oct 29, 2006
(the above post was by LW)
on Oct 29, 2006

Yes, admissions of minoritys fell at UCLA, but that doesn't tell the whole story.

By artificially increasing the number of minority admissions with the method of lowering the standards needed to meet the academic requirements for college, many of these sub par students are being set up to fail.

And while minority admissions fell dramatically at UCLA, they were up at other UC schools such as UC Riverside. Overall figures for UC schools show African-American admissions dropping 18% and Hispanic admissions droppng 7%.

The number that really shows effectiveness in any policy regarding admissions should be graduation rates which have dramatically increased for minorities since the affirmative action policies were dropped.

This article has more detail:

The Consequences of Colorblindness

While racial preferences do get some students accepted into schools they ordinarily wouldn't be academically qualified for, they handicap them in their ability to graduate. Without the set asides, students tend to gravitate to academic institutions they are better suited for and in which they have the greater chance of graduating and succeeding.
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