America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on September 7, 2006 By Moderateman In Blogging

According to my addition I should have 24091 points for last 30 days and all I have is 12613.

Where the heck is my other 11 thousand plus points?

I do not write enough to keep up anymore, but when I do write I would like to get credit for it.

 my total is 109918 and should be 120396 which would push gid into number six slot and give me the coveted top 5..

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 11, 2006
I have to admit, I've had "whining blogs", venting blogs, bitching blogs, never a whoreathon blog though. If I did, do you think anyone would show up? Would they want to? if I served beer with that whine and cheese?

all in good fun hey Trudy   
on Sep 11, 2006
But it sounds like there MIGHT be a glitch, but then again, there might NOT be a glitch. I say WE ERROR on the side of safety and just assume the points are mine. heh heh heh heh

  You're too cute, Elie.

I no longer even notice how many points I have. It's not like I can trade them in for candy bars or something.
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