Why is it when the United States makes a mistake in policy, a good part of the world seems to become unglued. Another nation could even be directly involved with the American mistakes yet the other country is given a pass, while America gets the blame,
It seems that the rest of the world just loves bashing America for not attaining the goal of perfection in all things.
We spend billion\s helping other countries get back on their collective feet, yet when America needs help, as shown with the hurricane Katrina incident the world seems to be busy doing something else.
What the rest of the world does not seem to get is that America is an diverse country, filled with people of all races, religions and colors trying to get along. America is truly the land of the FREE and the home of the brave. What other country do, people risk there lives for to get into? Legally or Illegally the worlds people come in huge walls of humanity.
We make mistakes all the time, but somehow Americas mistakes are more egregious than other countries do. Yet for all our youth as a nation we make great strides and truth be told a good part of the world WANTS WHAT AMERICA HAS, freedom. and the highest standard of living among ALL other countries.
I am tried to the bone of how other countries look to America in time of need, yet take the very first opportunity to betray us or if possible seek a way to destroy us.
America needs to stop being so generous. We need to tend to our own country and her poor and helpless. Our infrastructure is in desperate condition {highways, electrical grids, bridges Schools.
We need to come up with some kind of health insurance for everyone! We can send boat loads, cargo jets and medical equipment to countries like Iran yet 45 million Americans have no health coverage.
Stop helping countries that hate us, stop helping countries that refuse to help themselves.
Let the natural selection run free again, let those not strong enough to fend for themselves wither and die, the world will be a better stronger place for it. Don't hate us because we are best of the best
GOD BLESS AMERICA@ and GOD bless you.