America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
President Hu Jintao of China standing with Bush makes me sick
Published on April 20, 2006 By Moderateman In US Domestic
President Bush, how could you? Just standing with President Hu Jintao of China basically co-signs some of the worse human degradation on the planet.

Jails abound with people speaking their minds.

Forced abortion is the order of the day.

Child slave workers are becoming the norm in China!

People just suddenly disappear into the void, never to be seen or heard from again.

Censorship of news and common reading material is ENFORCED!

There is a huge trade deficit with China, as we keep buying more and more cheap Chinese goods and they have not even begun to buy from us what they promised when we granted them favored nation status.

How can you begin to even invite him to the center of Democracy on the entire planet george?

You do not seem to understand that the Chinese want to bury america, either in debt or more lethal actions.

The Chinese obstruct every move we try to make through the United Nations.

The Chinese are our enemy President Bush and to watch you fawn over him makes me sorry I voted for you in 2004.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 21, 2006
#28 by Dr. Guy
Friday, April 21, 2006

MM does not criticize lightly, and when he does, it is with a strong moral authority.

why thank you doc, what a nice thing to write about me.

on Apr 21, 2006
#29 by Charles.C
Friday, April 21, 2006

The difference (and it is big) is that while I do not agree with Moderateman, I respect his feelings on this because he has supported Bush, and is not a one trick pony. If you want to voice dissent with authority, make sure that your only message is not negative. MM does not criticize lightly, and when he does, it is with a strong moral authority.

True, true.

I am truly blessed to have a few people see me in such a light.

on Apr 21, 2006
#30 by Adventure-Dude
Friday, April 21, 2006

Did anyone notice Col wrote an article today that DIDN'T have anything to do with Bush nor politics?

NO? sheesh now I must find it and read it... hooo--- rahh
on Apr 23, 2006
Do you reckon they still send a bill for the bullets/injection to the family? Or does the family get the bill for the operation as well?

Well said. I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes. In all seriousness, it wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese administration did send the family a bill for 'services rendered'. It would be in keeping with their atrocious human rights record so far.
on Apr 24, 2006
This confession took guts! But cheer up I hear God is whispering kinder notions in W's ears now.
on Apr 25, 2006
Great Post! The lines have become blurred between our needs in economics and our commitment to political freedom. China is complicated for any American president.
on Apr 25, 2006
In all seriousness, it wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese administration did send the family a bill for 'services rendered'.

They do:
"Traditionally, capital punishment is meted out on execution grounds, sometimes even in a sports stadium. A single bullet is fired, at close range, into the heart or the back of the head of the kneeling convict, whose ankles are manacled and hands tied behind the head. The person's family is then sent a bill for the bullet". Asia Link
子彈費 = "bullet fee".

The death penalty in China is imposed for murder, but also for racketeering, corruption and tax evasion amongst other things. Often the sentence is carried out within minutes of the sentence being confirmed.
on Apr 25, 2006
I thought it was a good Blog and said so in post #7. What more can I say.
on Apr 25, 2006
I thought it was a good Blog and said so in post #7. What more can I say.
on Apr 25, 2006
In all seriousness, it wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese administration did send the family a bill for 'services rendered'.

They do:
"Traditionally, capital punishment is meted out on execution grounds, sometimes even in a sports stadium. A single bullet is fired, at close range, into the heart or the back of the head of the kneeling convict, whose ankles are manacled and hands tied behind the head. The person's family is then sent a bill for the bullet". Asia Link
??? = "bullet fee".

Unbelievable... The Chinese administration is even more reprehensible than I thought it was. Wow...
on Apr 25, 2006
Unbelievable... The Chinese administration is even more reprehensible than I thought it was. Wow...

China is certainly no kind of democracy in any sense that we understand it in the west. Nevertheless one reason the Chinese authorities give for carrying out 90% of all the executions in the world is "If capital punishment is not applied, it would not be enough to calm the anger of the people". (不殺不足以平民憤)

This is an interesting point. In the US the death penalty is defended as being what the people want and a Gallup poll in 2000 showed support for the death penalty in North America at 66% with 27% against.

In western Europe, where no state has the death penalty for any crime at all (that even includes treason in time of war), the same poll shows support for capital punishment at 34% with 60% against, so it seems that usually the people get what they want. (Globally only western Europe and Latin America showed majorities against the death penalty).

The problem with China, of course, is its lack of meaningful democracy, and the use of the death penalty for relatively trivial crimes. However, what could we say if a genuinely democratic China wished to continue carrying out 90% of the world's executions?

Interestingly, China also has a "death sentence with two years probation"! This apparently means keep your nose clean for two years and it will be commuted to life imprisonment.
on Apr 27, 2006
China also has a "death sentence with two years probation

are you sure they do not kill you FIRST then make you serve probation?
on Apr 27, 2006
are you sure they do not kill you FIRST then make you serve probation?

You mean they shoot you, then your probation officer fixes you up with a 'dead-end job'?
on Apr 27, 2006
43 by Chakgogka
Thursday, April 27, 2006

are you sure they do not kill you FIRST then make you serve probation?

You mean they shoot you, then your probation officer fixes you up with a 'dead-end job'

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