Well finally My President gets a clue on how to get his message to Iran about their nuke program and how much he is against it.
He simply has allowed "LEAKS" to the ever hungry news media about how we are considering" dropping the big on their heads if they do not comply and cease and desist from refining Uranium.
The MSM, filled with liberal Bush haters, ever ready to denounce ALL THINGS AMERICAN and especially all things Republican and Bush at the top of that hit list, Have played right into President Bushes brilliant plan of saber rattling without appearing to do so.
Finally the MSM has done something the President wants to happen with out them even realizing it! I am sure if any MSM read this article and come to the realization they have been utterly USED they will feel honor bound to commit a crime like releasing national secrets to get even with the president.
The blatant anti-american news companies and the "BUSH is the root of all evil" crowd are dismayed to see how much they have helped America and President Bush push policies that they are in complete DISAGREEMENT with."