A small comparison between America and a biblical event.
All of this language mixing once destroyed a proud nation, {read the link}
Having a multi language separated man and woman from each other in the Bible!
This demanding of some of our Immigrants that we accommodate them by learning there language, write things so they can understand them, instead of insisting all immigrants speak, read and write this countries language is leading America along the same path as the tower of babel did, destroying the country as it destroyed mans ability to communicate long ago in just ONE LANGUAGE.
WE as a nation must stop this politically correct behavior and start insisting, you want to be an American? and live in this country, learn our language! Period. Keep your countries language, teach you children the customs and spirit of your homeland, do not let that die, but!!!!! blend in and learn English first.
Do not let America go the way of the Tower of Babel, those that do not heed history is doomed to repeat it.