America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Ya can't swing a dead cat without women in armour getting in the way
Published on March 28, 2006 By Moderateman In Philosophy
While I adore women, women of all kinds and body types, big boobs,. little ones, small women amazon women {ok get the point?}

In the last 20 or so years we have seen the emergence of women as warrior babes, while I love looking at a gorgeous women in tight slinky pelts and such, I DO NOT want one watching my back in times of war, It was hard enough for a man to handle a sword let alone some skinny babe with wrists as think as a small chicken bone, swinging to to and fro.

While I do not doubt there was the very very occasional woman that could swing a sword I am sure she was not a size 2, totally not a scar anywhere to see, with skin as smooth as a babies butt.

While I know fantasy is just that, there is some things I just cannot let by. I started watching dragon king, dark kingdom last night, and yep there she was, tall, blond, skinny in a wolfs pelt, never been beat in battle, PLEASE!!!!

Do not even get me started on Xena warrior babe.

Superman, yep here came superwoman.

Batman, along came bat-girl in super tight outfits.

ENOUGH ALREADY WITH WOMEN GOING off to war, fighting the good fight, all so she can turn all girly at the last moment and have what else? A MAN rescue her.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 29, 2006
#30 by Tova7
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So ever since then, when I see some 100 pound boob job wailing on a guy...I think, dang...her hand is broken 50 times over!

unless a man knows how to "hit properly" he risks broken hand bones everytime he thumps someone. I stopped using my fists long ago and started using the sides and palm of my hands, it did as much damage but did not hurt my hands.
on Mar 29, 2006
I stopped using my fists long ago and started using the sides and palm of my hands, it did as much damage

What the heck kinda life are you leading? .

My boxing instructor was telling our class about people getting into fights and ending up in emergency for broken hand bones. Street fighting just sounds really nasty. I was watching "Buffy" one time and my mom came by and said isn't that too violent. I laughed and said it was like a cartoon. Completely unrealistic. I love to watch boxing and kickboxing (K-1 in Japan) and THAT stuff can make me cringe because that's the real thing.

One girl in at a kickboxing gym I used to go to was cute as a button and super friendly but boy, could she kick ass! Literally. She was/ is a tough fighter. Once she got in the ring it was all business.

Hmmm.... maybe she should play Wonder Woman!
on Mar 30, 2006
Yes annie was awsome, but notice she did not have a bikini wax, perfect skin and was NOT swinging a broadsword like it is a small twig.

You got that right, she was tough.

on Mar 30, 2006
Reply By: momijikiPosted: Wednesday, March 29, 2006I stopped using my fists long ago and started using the sides and palm of my hands, it did as much damage What the heck kinda life are you leading? .

was leading, was.. as in the not to distant past, now I am just a middle aged nice jewsih man trying to get by.
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