America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Crips and bloods and ms13... oh my!
Published on March 16, 2006 By Moderateman In Current Events
LA street gangs infiltrate US army: The Crips and the Bloods have been. uncovered within the US military, and linked to drive-by
shootings and organised drug trafficking. There was an investigation to find out who killed ALLEN KING and his three children - aged 18-months and four and seven years old - were hacked to death by a man who believed King had told the police about a crack house he operated.

Where did this happen? In some inner city slum? nope it happened on a military base and the killer is an army specialist.

Police have been reporting nation wide that members of the bloods and crips have joined the military to learn urban warfare and tactics in order to fight and defeat police, during any raids.

What ever happened to background checks? How can this be? We are training gangsters to be more deadly than they already are.

Army-enlisted men have been photographed flashing gang signs .

Some gang members have also staked out their "turf" on aircraft carriers at sea, and the navy was recently forced to build a wall,

1,000 foot long, to protect residents of one of its housing complexes in California after number of drive by shootings.

I understand that the military has lowered its standards since I was in, but this is ridiculous!

on Mar 16, 2006
This really isn't all that new a problem. We were briefed on it when I came in nearly eight years ago.

Standard background checks won't catch young men without criminal records, which it's my understanding of who they send through. Only higher-end security cleared positions might catch something else, and I'd think they wouldn't go for those instead opting for combat arms or perhaps supply.

I do agree however that standards are lower than they ought to be, but that's not just the military nowadays.
on Mar 16, 2006
Ever Read Tom Clancy's "Clear and Present Danger"?  In it, Chavez is just such a gang member, but joins to escape the cycle.  How can we tell the Chavez's from the hard core gang members?  Like Pseudo said, if they dont have a criminal record, it aint easy.
on Mar 16, 2006
We haven't had (or at least it hasn't been reported) gang activity here (meaning military stationed in HI).

People with short fuses or sinister motives will probably always be let into the military because, like Pseudo said, it would be pretty darn impossible to know their potential without some sort of criminal record.

My husband had a class not too long ago about recognizing gang signs and symbols (some are not always obvious) for when he's checking the rooms in the barracks, so it does seem like the military is aware of the problem (and have been for some time, as per pseudosoldier).

The murder you mentioned is extraordinarily sad, MM, and one would think that something like that doesn't happen on a military base, but it does. Not just gang activity, but child abuse, drug use, drunken driving, street racing, fraud, theft, rape, etc., etc., etc. It's perplexing, but as large an organization as the military is, there will probably always be a few of its number who are eager to commit crimes and harm other people.

Still very sad, though.

Re: Lower standards. Ain't that the truth. They've even changed the policy on neck and hand tattoos.
on Mar 16, 2006
When we lived in Jax there was a picture of a sailor flashing a gang sign on the wall at IHOP. I'm sure if someone saw it and recognized him he would be in trouble. I don't know the percentage but I had heard that there were a large percentage coming in with felony waivers now. My husband is considering going recruiting so it should be interesting to see what type of people can get in and what kind can't. Of course if you are a big city recruiter it's going to be comletely different than a small town.

I always felt secure when we lived on base but then you heard the stories about rapes and robberies. That burst my bubble of thinking that because I was on base I was safe. There are all kinds of people in the military just like there are in society at large.
on Mar 16, 2006
1 by pseudosoldier
Thursday, March 16, 2006

This really isn't all that new a problem. We were briefed on it when I came in nearly eight years ago.

I know it's not new, but I am wondering where are the VULTURES {NEWS REPORTERS} trashing troops, I have not read or heard much at all about this.
on Mar 16, 2006
#2 by Dr. Guy
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Like Pseudo said, if they don't have a criminal record, it ain't easy.

it seems that some recruiters are burying some criminal pasts trying to get their quotas
on Mar 16, 2006
#3 by Texas Wahine
Thursday, March 16, 2006

The murder you mentioned is extraordinarily sad, MM, and one would think that something like that doesn't happen on a military base, but it does. Not just gang activity, but child abuse, drug use, drunken driving, street racing, fraud, theft, rape, etc., etc., etc. It's perplexing, but as large an organization as the military is, there will probably always be a few of its number who are eager to commit crimes and harm other people.

Still very sad, though.

Re: Lower standards. Ain't that the truth. They've even changed the policy on neck and hand tattoos.

although I am pretty sure this kind of activity happened when I was in, I never heard such a thing. To tell the truth I am deeply shocked about this.
on Mar 16, 2006
#4 by Locamama
Thursday, March 16, 2006

but I had heard that there were a large percentage coming in with felony waivers now.

Oh My God I cannot believe this!! yikes.
on Mar 21, 2006
it seems that some recruiters are burying some criminal pasts trying to get their quotas

Wow, and wow! This is not good! Thx for the heads up on this. I never knew they had this problem!
on Mar 21, 2006
Extraordinary. I've not heard of this problem before, but then, if I really think about it, I'm not surprised. Where else are some of the these gang members going to get training in urban assault techniques using the latest equipment? Scary, indeed.
on Mar 22, 2006
I remember a short story related to that. Basically, gang members failed to take over a city, but went into hiding and planned for takeover of USA.

I hope it will never really happen, but with glossed over background checks.. Dunno...

I hope not.