America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
How did this become an anathema? To think for yourself?
Published on February 16, 2006 By Moderateman In Current Events
According to a recent article by William Buckley Jr.,liberals have now criminalized ”judgment” to a place usually reserved for the words racist, bigot and rapist and serial killers.

Is this really as serious as Mr. Buckley thinks?

Today by using the smallest amount of judgment you risk to be denounced as “judgmental”.

In today’s politically correct world is has become a crime to make judgments of others.

It has become fashionable to proclaim someone as judgmental and a trait not to be desired.

Maybe this accounts why we are not allowed to mention that over half the men on the F>B>I> most wanted list are named Muhammad or Ahmed, or both in some cases. Or why we cannot accept the fact that terrorist for the most part are dark skinned men between the ages of 12 and 50 and use that information to profile.

This brings to mind Ghazi Qusaibi, the Saudi ambassador to England, who proclaims if he was not so old he would love being a martyr for the cause, could it be that a bomb vest is to heavy for him, to use> or is he just saving his worthless skin?

How about the United Nations? The oil for food comes to mind. General Tommy Franks called this program oil for palaces BTW.

Should we not judge that over one billion dollars are stashed away by members of the U.N. from graft.

How do we now decide hate crimes? How about the black man that stormed into a New York City bar screaming “white people will burn tonight” while shooting several patrons? The New York commissioner claims it was just a bizarre incident. Not racially motivated at all.

Then there is the university of California at riverside that after granting an artist to paint a mural of the pilgrims, has to label them as invaders? Also made the artist include a same sex couple in his rendition. More examples of poor judgement. Sound judgement would not have permitted this.

The safest city in America to shout anti-Semitic slogans in San francisco, the sewer by the bay, where Jewish students had to be rescued by the police. No arrests were made either.

I could go on and on about the antics of Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and the entire country of France, but that would be judging wouldn’t it?

As we browse through the evident bias of the New York Times, The Washington Post, Time magazine and Newsweek we find they would never judge anyone, except the ones they disagree with.

We must realize that we are in danger of having our children become uninformed and incapable of making sound judgments .We are in extreme danger of losing our identities as people with brains capable of making good judgment calls.

The simple use of sound judgement is totally lost on the far left today. Naming the color of a criminal, while giving a description calls for you to use your brain and give an exact rendition, yet even this gets decried as racist.

The use of school rooms for prayers for Muslim children while denying the same courtesy to Christian children is an example of poor judgement, yet totally accepted by the liberal left.

It's time for people to think things through make a judgement call and stand proud with your decision.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 16, 2006
xxx ooo xxx
on Feb 16, 2006
I make judgments every single day....some are good and some well, lets just say they aren't winning any "goodness" of the year awards.

Life is about decisions. To make a decision for something you are in many ways making a decision against everything else.

If I choose chocolate ice cream at baskin Robbins I am deciding against all the other flavors at that moment.

I make choices based on judgment. Chocolate tastes better on my tongue, therefore chocolate will be consumed. I'm judging its flavor against other flavors....

I know judgment is a "bad" word in this country at present....and that is stupid. We don't want our law system to judge criminals? We aren't personally allowed to judge someone's behavior as right or wrong?

Everyone of us do it every single day....but only when you disagree with someone is it considered a bad thing to be called.

That's goofy.
on Feb 16, 2006
#2 by Tova7
Thursday, February 16, 2006

make judgments every single day....some are good and some well, lets just say they aren't winning any "goodness" of the year awards.

Life is about decisions. To make a decision for something you are in many ways making a decision against everything else.

If I choose chocolate ice cream at baskin Robbins I am deciding against all the other flavors at that moment.

I make choices based on judgment. Chocolate tastes better on my tongue, therefore chocolate will be consumed. I'm judging its flavor against other flavors....

I know judgment is a "bad" word in this country at present....and that is stupid. We don't want our law system to judge criminals? We aren't personally allowed to judge someone's behavior as right or wrong?

Everyone of us do it every single day....but only when you disagree with someone is it considered a bad thing to be called.

That's goofy.

concise explaination!

have a cookie on me, chocolate of course.
on Feb 16, 2006
Reply By: little_whipPosted: Thursday, February 16, 2006Of course judgement is bad! It's the root of all prejudice! You shouldnt PRE JUDGE anything ModMan! Black is Beautiful! Islam is a religion of Peace! The check's in the mail! I won't cum in your mouth!Uhmm, oops. Never mind!

I promise to only stick the head in a little. Honest your first anal sex will not hurt, I will be gentle. If you get pregnant I will take care of the baby. Really I never have sex on the first date.
on Feb 16, 2006
This thread is just a bunch of bullshit
on Feb 16, 2006
Reply By: you no nothing(Anonymous User)Posted: Thursday, February 16, 2006This thread is just a bunch of bullshit

btw it's spelled "you Know nothing" putz, if yer gonna crap at least spell things right.
on Feb 16, 2006
It's time for people to think things through make a judgement call and stand proud with your decision.

My wife, son, employees and clients regularly hear from me about the value of this socially rejected nasty word . By using the dirty word "judgment" as often as possible, life isn't nearly as harsh as it could otherwise be. To support that, just take a hard look around at all the lives you're familiar with. Ask yourself, if that dirty word had been applied here or there early on, how might the outcome been different. Bad and difficult part of judgment is it is part of forethought, which isn't common considering people by nature react to life as it comes at them, verses attempting to control what comes at them.

This morning my son and I were talking about an article in the paper where a 15 yr old used no judgment and now is facing a life in prison. He asked me how that boys judgment could have been different aside from simply not taking the action that put him in the situation.

I said prior judgment can present the upside and downside to his action and behavior. He then abruptly stomped his foot hard on the floor thinking he was demonstrating an action and spoke of resulting shock / vibration as being the down side. I told him that he wasn't nearly considering the down stream possibilities of his act. By stamping his foot hard on our tile floor, the resulting vibrations could actually send tremors to his undeveloped knee structure possibly weakening his knee in some manner without him knowing it. Later, this morning while riding his bike to school, that action could be the reason for his knee giving way while attempting to jump a curb with a car traveling just behind him, forcing him to crash in front that car leading to a greater accident. Then I asked him to ponder further scenarios to see how far that one action at home this morning might travel, to say the least, as he let his mind consider the possibilities, he was amazed.

Having a good life, is the result of judgment on many levels!

Everyone of us do it every single day....but only when you disagree with someone is it considered a bad thing to be called.

Very well said....

on Feb 16, 2006
on Feb 16, 2006
WOW!  This is outstanding.  You get a cookie.  I wish I had more to add, but you covered it so well.
on Feb 16, 2006
According to a recent article by William Buckley Jr.,liberals have now criminalized ”judgment” to a place usually reserved for the words racist, bigot and rapist and serial killers.

Isn't he being judgmental by saying all liberals think like that?
on Feb 16, 2006
Judgment doesn't affect anyone but ourselves. It's just mental inventory.

How we act on that judgment is what matters. Judgment guides our choices, and it's something...good or bad...that should never be stifled. Our thoughts and our moral values should never be restricted. Without the right to pass judgment on our own actions and the actions of others and to make choices based on those judgments, we are not FREE.

We're Americans, and we can be judgmental assholes if we want to!
on Feb 16, 2006
Reply By: TitanI9Posted: Thursday, February 16, 2006

Having a good life, is the result of judgment on many levels!Everyone of us do it every single day....but only when you disagree with someone is it considered a bad thing to be called.Very well said....

great response, I moderateman Judge this to be excellent. heh
on Feb 16, 2006
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Thursday, February 16, 2006WOW! This is outstanding. You get a cookie. I wish I had more to add, but you covered it so well.

thanx doc did alot of work on this one. research too.
on Feb 16, 2006
Reply By: BenUserPosted: Thursday, February 16, 2006According to a recent article by William Buckley Jr.,liberals have now criminalized ”judgment” to a place usually reserved for the words racist, bigot and rapist and serial killers.Isn't he being judgmental by saying all liberals think like that?

no where did Buckley say "ALL" liberals ben.
on Feb 16, 2006
When I was trained for work in Crowd Control and Stop Loss Security, rule #1 was "Look for what isn't normal". In other words, "look at everyone and judge their actions, how they're dressed, how they move, how they talk, how they react to what's going on around them". I can't think of any word for that better than "be judgemental".

The fact is, most of us act in a certain way that becomes second nature to us. We look at others with the same expectation, and it's the ones that don't act according to that expectation that stand out... which means those who don't stand out are acting (gasp)"normal".
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