America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Blogging » Page 5
October 25, 2006 by Moderateman
 I have been around the block a few times as most of you folks know, and have always sat in complete wonder as I watch talented writers self-destruct. The symptoms are clear, they write wonderful articles that have little or no comments, then they resort to writing "couched" articles about someone they blame for there own failure. They pick wars with someone, they try with all there might to justify their actions with the favorite words of the weak. "YOU not they started this!" The...
October 13, 2006 by Moderateman
 I came, I see the same bickering bullshit, the same neo-con crap, the same liberal crap, I left again.
September 18, 2006 by Moderateman
 Just thought I would throw out that DAVAD70 seems to be stalking me and my blogs, it's kind of creepy to think that DAVAD70 reads every word I write, yet cannot comment, because I have the stalking creep blacklisted. A full two of his most recent article were devoted to me, hmmmmmm could it be he has a man crush? only he knows. Now I hope this will not be taken as MISINFORMATION OR LIES, because anyone that wants to look at this sad pathetic creatures paltry blog site {5 years and a ...
September 13, 2006 by Moderateman
While this might seem petty in some ways, I have decided to now enforce the following rules. If I comment with any frequency to a persons blog and never get any responses on mine, I will no longer be commenting on said blog site. I figure if I can respond to someone articles and they do not return the favor, I might read said blog, but responses will become a thing of the past. Call me a child, but the truth is, this hurts my feelings and to avoid hurt feelings, this is the solution I came...
September 7, 2006 by Moderateman
According to my addition I should have 24091 points for last 30 days and all I have is 12613. Where the heck is my other 11 thousand plus points? I do not write enough to keep up anymore, but when I do write I would like to get credit for it.  my total is 109918 and should be 120396 which would push gid into number six slot and give me the coveted top 5..
June 29, 2006 by Moderateman
I am dumping my articles and can only go back around 15 screens, How can I access the rest of my articles so I may close them all?
June 27, 2006 by Moderateman
Can something be done about the rambling moron that is resurrecting old article and flooding the forums with nonsense?
June 22, 2006 by Moderateman
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
May 7, 2006 by Moderateman
First off I totally understand people I WOULD LIKE TO MEET MIGHT NOT WANT TO MEET ME! Whip, Because she is outrageous and bright and under that "i will kill persona" Beats a heart of gold. Drmiler, because even though he was a navy man , he has the heart of a patriot and warrior. Drguy, because we think so much alike. Tex, because never have I seen a woman/child as in love with life as she. Dharma< her kind and gentle ways have always soothed the savage beast inside of me. ...
May 5, 2006 by Moderateman
Why have 4 of my favorite people on joeuser deserted me? They never visit and comments have fallen off to none for weeks now. I will not name names so do not ask me, they KNOW WHO THEY ARE! MM now singing, "all alone am I' more like a funeral dirge. Da da dada da dum dum da dum!"
March 17, 2006 by Moderateman
I did not like the way you left here, I still don't. You never asked me to leave with you, but I wish you had, even if I would not have left, just you asking would have been enough. You wrote that you were going to give your new blog site to those you cared for, I was not one of them . That hurt. Besides losing my muse, I lost a comrade and someone I thought I could be friends with, in time. I will never join in with trashing you, you are not here to defend yourself. I saw past th...
March 1, 2006 by Moderateman
Long ago I stopped playing the if I am mad at someone, it means you as my friend/brother/sister/wife/husband MUST BE mad at them too. What is this grade school? Obviously this is another article about little whip, I have always adored her, never cared for Simon at all, While I will miss whip my world was whole long before I met her and will be whole long after she is gone. As for Simon, who really cares if he is exiled? I sure do not, I have never bothered reading his stuff except for a c...
December 11, 2005 by Moderateman
Just a note to let those that G.A.F.F. I live! with a special thanx for whip and her checking, to doc miler for defending me once again, to a liberal {icon} for showing once again what phonies they all are. to tex damn it woman! I ain't a gonna say this again "yer notta liberal!" to michele for passing the word on, I just did not think about being gone so long.
December 2, 2005 by Moderateman
I wonder how people can live with themselves that constantly beat the same one note drum over and over again. I believe that President Bushes detractors just cannot believe that against all odds he firmly keeps his commitment. Presidnt Bush shows what it takes to run a country that's not only ungrateful ,but down right subversive!!!! The thought of an Ex-officer betraying his country over and over again with lie filled articles makes me wonder what kind of people hate a man they do n...
November 17, 2005 by Moderateman
For some strange reason I am being ignored here on joeuser. Have I worn my welcome out? I cannot remember that last time I had a feature article, and I have had more than a few over 100 or near 100 responses to some of them and still have not been featured. Maybe it's time for me to pack my cyber bags and move on. {NO THIS IS NOT A PLEA FOR "PLEASE STAY"} Have I done something to the admin? I have not been able to give a trolling or an insightful for months now and am tired of complain...