America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
I really do not like these people.
Published on October 17, 2005 By Moderateman In US Domestic
We already know what the ACLU stands for.. the destruction of America, her values and religion {especially Christianity".

They have managed to paint the boy scout as some kind of religious cult, The United Way and Levi Strauss have withdrawn support of the scouts, they caved to legal pressure from the unamerican group {ACLU}.

They continue to push the support of Gay marriage, something the vast majority of Americans are dead against happening.

The so called liberal groups are continuing to use the liberal court system to push their agenda with the ACLU at the vanguard.

The ACLU is now in court to stop all children praying in school, even at recess.

They support such wonderful people {sic} as NAMBLA, {look it up} I ain't gonna type who nambla is. Makes me wanna puke.

The "war chest" of the ACLU numbers around the 175 million mark, they have literally thousands of Lawyers plotting to overthrow America from within.

The only way we can take back our country from the lawyer nee terrorist is to ban together, demand the courts stop playing ball with the ACLU and once again allow religious expression freely."

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 19, 2005
As fair-minded as I try to be about civil liberties, they are definitely abused by over zealous agenda-pushing activists. I live in Massachusetts, the land of the activist Judge. We live in a country where people will burn a flag for no other reason but because they were told they can't. But eventually they will bite themselves in the ass. Before you speak for someone make sure they want you to. Great post, I will read you oftern.
on Oct 19, 2005
15 by Right winger
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

They are in court to stop children from reading the Bible in school. I posted an article where they are pushing to let Muslims have their own "prayer room" in public schools.
----I Dog

Maybe they think that's okay because Allah doesn't really exist?


nope it's because this great country was founded on judaeo, christian principles and the left cannot stand it!!!
on Oct 19, 2005
#16 by whosyurdaddy?
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

As fair-minded as I try to be about civil liberties, they are definitely abused by over zealous agenda-pushing activists. I live in Massachusetts, the land of the activist Judge. We live in a country where people will burn a flag for no other reason but because they were told they can't. But eventually they will bite themselves in the ass. Before you speak for someone make sure they want you to. Great post, I will read you oftern.

thank you always happy to see a new reader. I await reading you now.
on Oct 20, 2005
Tit for tat. I withdrew my support for the united Way. And I told them why.

The United Way, especially "their way" are part of why I don't particularly like donating money to the Red Cross. By what I recall (not that my brain cells are the best at recall) the American Red Cross falls under the United Way umbrella and money gets kicked up stairs to help keep it all going.

Either way (no pun intended), I do not at all like the United Way. They may do some good work, they may actually do a lot of good work, but they also waste scads of money that is given to them, and they are not in keeping with my values on many fronts.

I'd rather give money directly to other charities with much fewer strings attached.

As to the ACLU, we'd be a much better place if they'd just go away. They are the complete antithesis of their name, and are concerned so much more with protecting the rights of the guilty scum than they are of leaving good people alone.

The ACLU is a good part of the reason that the old joke "what would you have if you had 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea?" "a good start" is perhaps not that far from the truth.
on Oct 20, 2005
#19 by terpfan1980
Thursday, October 20, 2005

As to the ACLU, we'd be a much better place if they'd just go away. They are the complete antithesis of their name, and are concerned so much more with protecting the rights of the guilty scum than they are of leaving good people alone.

truth has never been spoken so well terp. I use to think the ACLU was a great guardian of our rights, but now I see they are only interested in destroying traditional values.
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