America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
My friends and family are baffled
Published on April 27, 2005 By Moderateman In Misc
With out me tooting my own horn, my friends and loved ones see me as a kind and gentle man.. not gentleman gentle man there is a difference.

I understand I am outspoken and hardheaded and can still be damn aggressive WHEN PROVOKED.

But here in joeuser land I am seen as some kind of angry madman, racist, filled with venom.

How can there be such a difference in what my friends and family sees and what joesuer people see me to be?

I just do not understand it.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 28, 2005
You know the saying, "sticks and stones can hurt my bones but words can never hurt me."? While that may be true for some people it isn't so for most. Personally for me, sometimes words hurt. Especially when they're being said to you by someone you love or worst someone who doesn't know you personally. So I get where you're coming from with this. Personally I like what you write most of the times. I read your stuff all of the time. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't. It depends on what you're talking about and how I feel.

When you do the ALL CAPS SOME OF THE TIMES (to me it's SHOUTING or you are being angry). But that seems to be your style, so as to make your argument (or point) you're trying to say, sometimes it's necessary I guess.

Some people show more of themselves when they write, they let it all out (someone else made this point above, Angela); I find this to be true. Writing allows you to think and to really open up and say everything that's on your mind. Sometimes more than you would say in a conversation.

Aeryck actually had some good points too! Not that the other folks responses aren't valid or nice, it's just refreshing to see him write like that!

To end my long-winded response Elie, you're a NICE guy. You have your moments, but don't we all? So, as Mano says, sometimes you have to just let it go.
on Apr 28, 2005
Reply By: foreverserenityPosted: Thursday, April 28, 2005

not long winded at all just informative.. and since the consenses here is caps is bad I will modify my use of caps.
on Apr 28, 2005

since the consenses here is caps is bad I will modify my use of caps.

Caps are not bad.  They do mean you are shouting (usually) or angry (content).  It is used to drive home a point.

on Apr 28, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Thursday, April 28, 2005since the consenses here is caps is bad I will modify my use of caps.Caps are not bad. They do mean you are shouting (usually) or angry (content). It is used to drive home a point

yeh but, with my poor spelling and grammar, the last thing I need to take "more" away from any points I make is for some to use my use of caps to detract.
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