Denouncing poilitical correctness
While watching {for the hundreth time} news hashing over the handcuffing of the 5 year old black child, I was struck by one thing.
To a man/woman when the speaker is black the charge of racisim comes to the front lines, not a misjudgement, not poor training, because the cops were white, IT HAD TO BE RACIST BEHAVIOR.
While I agree that racisim and bigotry excist, NOT EVERY ACTION that has negative results is a form of racisim.
Since the advent of the civil rights act, blacks have learned that the one way to disarm a white person is to scream race, loud and often.
THE BLACK CRIMINAL ARRESTED BY A WHITE COP, screams racisim in the hopes of a reduced sentence or to be let off completely.
Jesse Jackson the man that could have taken Dr. kings place has chose instead to rape the whites of money in the name of reverse racisim. This behavior is ATRIBUTED to the climate of political correctness, that in my opinion is destroying america.
No longer can a man say to a woman "you look nice in that new dress" without worry of sexual harressmant charges.
No longer can a man like bill O'reilly say that he disagrees with the antics of sean penn {white} tim robbins {white} and danny glover {black} without glover calling bills comments Racist .
When will this end? never I say as long a political correctness holds sway in america.
Was the bahavior of the three cops bad judgement? yes. was it racist? hardly.
Now for anyone that wants to tackle me head on calling me some kind of racist I will gladly debate this < I know who I am, the bad and the good and racisim is not part of my make-up.