America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
sanitized and rewritted
Published on April 14, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
Moderateman: so do you have any solutions about what to do with social security?

liberal {disclaimer not anyone in real life and bears no resemblance to anyone living or dead” deficit, bush, creep liar stupid moron

Modereateman: it’s just a simple question< I am looking for some rational discourse here.

liberal:die, you filthy piece of crap, bush, bush, bush, evil asshole

Moderateman: Please can we just put aside anger for a moment and talk?

Liberal:: idiot, Bush, bush, neocon, death rot in hell.

Moderateman: ok I can see this is a waste of my time;

Liberal: sure run coward from the truth, religious zealot, moron, Bush bush bush.
Moderateman: are you always this angry? Liberal: No crap die, die bush, bush, moron, idiot, liar, bush, cheney liar .

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Apr 14, 2005
Got pictures?

yes I do.... e mail me (if you dare) and I'll sendya some.
on Apr 15, 2005
I know you do not want a solution but here is one anyway:

Increase Social Security tax cap like Medicare
Invest the added tax from lifting the cap into good quality bonds and equities
Increase full retirement age to 70
Prevent anyone that is not a legal resident or citizen from collecting benefits
Go after employers and people that work under the table and do not pay SS taxes.
on Apr 15, 2005
Reply By: COL GenePosted: Friday, April 15, 2005I know you do not want a solution but here is one anyway:Increase Social Security tax cap like MedicareInvest the added tax from lifting the cap into good quality bonds and equitiesIncrease full retirement age to 70Prevent anyone that is not a legal resident or citizen from collecting benefitsGo after employers and people that work under the table and do not pay SS taxes

Now this makes sense gene, the last 3 out of the 5 ideas are good, real good.
on Apr 15, 2005

yes I do.... e mail me (if you dare) and I'll sendya some.

I dont have yours, but here is mine:

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