America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Some BIGMOUTH Liberal has to make nasty comments
Published on February 21, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
I thought to try lightening up on these tiny little litter brained jerks {that’s right litter, as in what a cat shits in} to no avail

But I can see the Liberal losers here will somehow make an issue out of anything I post no matter what the content is, I write about the sun and somehow, as usual they see the SUN belongs to republicans and off they go on a rant.

The liberals have a common ground with proctologist {asshole doctors}, they have tunnel vision, so do you.

Once their feeble little feelings are hurt they go out on a JIHAD against this most moderate of bloggers. ME!

Some how anything I write seems to irk these peasants to no end, so if I am going to have to suffer these single minded morons I am going to start blasting away again.

Just remember Liberal idiots, you brought this on yourselves, but I am sure since liberals never accept any responsibility for their own behavior somehow this will be MY FAULT> and you know what I don’t care.

On Joe user how do you tell if a liberal is posting? Look for the YELLOW print and the smell of cowardice in the cyber air.

The party of drunken Ted, shrillery, hanoijohn and lead by the master of meltdown Howard Dean will forever be relegated to second place, due to the narrow mindedness of its members.

Get used to being also rans, I suggest you do the right thing and become toadies to your republican betters.

You liberals need to try to get more inline with Moderates like me, think a little clearer and learn to KNOW YOUR PLACE, {second place}.One day when you grow up and become successful and stop leaching off the public dole, you will become right minded republicans.

Now do not forget when replying to use your favorite word, Ad hominim, vitriolic, and hyperbole. As many times as possible, so any other readers MIGHT think how smart you are.Maybe you could type in french, the language of sissies.

I for one know how stupid you liberals are because you are still trying to fool America into thinking you are looking out for them, when In fact your looking out for yourselves, All you are interested in is whining, complaining, and REGAINING power. Well please hold your breath till you regain power again, because its going to be a long time till you do.

Your role model.
The man you wish you were.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 22, 2005
Come on guys I slipped "toadies" into a post, how many times ya see that one? sheeeeshhhhh
on Feb 23, 2005
Reply By: drmilerPosted: Tuesday, February 22, 2005Reply By: drmilerPosted: Tuesday, February 22, 2005Reply By: SuspecktedPosted: Tuesday, February 22, 2005do not drink or drug ever.... been there, done all that to extremes... clean and sober here,, how about you sus?reading your blogs may drive me to drink. Seriously, is english your first languagenope english was the 4th language spoken in my household, but keep poking fun at me through my poor spelling and grammar all that does is show the liberal intolerance for people less educated than them, and adds more fuel to my flames. thank you for showing your true colors. Here let me pour you a drink... a big one to steel your nerves to be able to handle the truth.Hey.......Where's mine?name yer poison doc. I will have to run out to purchase it, as I never have any type of booze on hand. (me and wife clean and sober}In that case, I'll bring my own to the party as my taste tends towards the expensive whiskey. IE: Gentleman Jack or Jack Daniels single barrel.

doc the day I can't afford to buy a gentleman like you a drink is the day I revert to liberal thinking. heh heh heh. if yer ever up rio vista, ca. way drop in my wife and I will do dinner, on us,

I wish I had known you back when I lived in CA. Now I'm on the other side in PA.
on Feb 23, 2005
noooooooooooooooooooooo don't be nice now fer gods sake man, I need fuel to keep trashing liberals, tff...

I'm not being nice...just not being unfairly mean.
on Feb 23, 2005
I'm not being nice...just not being unfairly mean.

Same thing.
on Feb 23, 2005
Reply By: drmilerPosted: Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I wish I had known you back when I lived in CA. Now I'm on the other side in PA.

yeh sorry about that, but invite still stands doc.
on Feb 23, 2005

Reply By: SuspecktedPosted: Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I'm not being nice...just not being unfairly mean.

tis ok either way sus, no matter what you say, how you pound me, I still think yer terrific, a wonderful writer, and overall a good man.
on Feb 23, 2005
Now you're making it more difficult to be cruel? Curses! Flattery will get you..........well, everywhere. Suspeckted
on Feb 23, 2005
How come you need the labels man? Ever hear of the term ubermensch? It seems like you trying too hard to be part of the the majority in this country. Just take a deep breath and relax.
on Feb 23, 2005
Reply By: enigmagneticPosted: Wednesday, February 23, 2005How come you need the labels man? Ever hear of the term ubermensch? It seems like you trying too hard to be part of the the majority in this country. Just take a deep breath and relax

everything in life has some kind of label attached. and yes I know what a mensch is, being a jew and all.
on Feb 23, 2005
Actually I meant "ubermensch" or overman a term Friedrich Nietzsche used quite often to describe someone who departs from the norms. Yeah I agree though too many labels now adays. You can cut the political correctness in this country with a chainsaw. I just think far-left wingers are just as deluded as far-right wingers. Morality and values are too fluid to determine whether someone is completely right or wrong, but extremes usually tend be bad.
on Feb 23, 2005
39 by Suspeckted
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Now you're making it more difficult to be cruel? Curses! Flattery will get you..........well, everywhere. Suspeckted

Just because we disagree doesn't mean I don't think you are smart or have a valid point of view.
on Feb 23, 2005
#42 by enigmagnetic
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Actually I meant "ubermensch" or overman a term Friedrich Nietzsche used quite often to describe someone who departs from the norms. Yeah I agree though too many labels now adays. You can cut the political correctness in this country with a chainsaw. I just think far-left wingers are just as deluded as far-right wingers. Morality and values are too fluid to determine whether someone is completely right or wrong, but extremes usually tend be bad.

I agree we from the right are just as nuts as the far left is. We are just more handsome and smarter. bawabababaahahahaha
on Feb 23, 2005
Touche. Although the Amish would probably have similar ideals to the very far right and I don't think Brother Hezekiah and Sister Mary tend to be very attractive. j/k
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