America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
President Bushes proposal is NOT acceptable.
Published on February 6, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
With most Americans concerned with the Illegal alien problem and my President seeking a solution that for me is totally unacceptable, giving illegals a form of clemency, and then allowing work passes for new low paying jobs American will not take.

I feel the obvious solution is to raise wages in these low paying fields, offer health benefits. And correspondingly sell any products or services at a higher rate.

If there were no choice of hiring lower paid workers people that need help would HAVE to pay the higher scale.

Eliminate the illegal problem by eliminating their jobs, after all that’s why there here to work {or rob}, this achieves two purposes, one creates more jobs for Americans, and two eliminates the need for foreign workers, thereby helping to stop illegal immigration

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 07, 2005

Ya'll isn't in there either! But tell a *true* southerner that the word doesn't exsist and I'd be willing to bet there'll be a fight.

Y'all better beleive it too!

on Feb 07, 2005

I find it interesting how lefties suddenly turn into rabid capitalists when the topic of conversation turns to illegal immigration.

Amen!  I was enjoying the whole back and forth between Sandy and Moderateman.  As anyone can see, in this instance, Moderateman is espousing a Liberal agenda, and Sandy is espousing a conservative one! I think it is a riot!

Now I can die peacefully as I have seen everything! !

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