America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
How the P.C. police are eroding america
Published on December 23, 2004 By Moderateman In Politics
Merry Christmas I shouted in a store I was shopping at, Then I turned to see what effect that had.

Some where smiling and replied to me back..... some were shocked at my "boldness" and Politically incorrect behavior.

To the smiling ones I smile back and again wish them a merry christmas....... Then In my usual shy sweet way told anyone that was offended by my remark. to get a life..... One lady and gentleman said to me there NOT christian and my remark was unwelcome to them, I replied I am not christian either and this is still america "free speach n all" so again I said to them merry christmas and was this time told in no uncertain terms how rude and offensive I am.... so tenderly, sweetly with the utmost respect
I drew myself Up to my full 6 ft 2 inches displaying my manly {pot bellied} 225 pounds and said U 2 can kiss my ass!!!! I will wish anyone I want to a merry christmas and theres not a damn thing you bleeding heart secular liberals can do about it.

I am tired, so tired of the p.c. police....and there constant tirades against the MAJORITY of people in america... to allow a small % of people to dictate what the majority can say and do is the beginning of a true facist state here in the usa.

While liberal secularist claim to be looking out for us, they in my OPINION are the ones that are destroying america and her values.

So remember when someone wishes you merry x mas or happy hanukah they ARE expressing how they feel and are not cussin u out.

If your offended by them doing that how about shutting you blowhole and walking away.., You do not have to respond back to anyone ....

So to all here Merry Christmas or &%#@)&&&&# your choice to hear what you hear.

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