Last year I presented an article about how things were not so bad after all, in retrospect i see that if the United States were in grave peril, when it comes to nuclear weapons the countries of Great Britain, France, India, Israel and Pakistan only have small arsenals of such weapons {I felt better after thinking this}
I now know that Pakistan is in peril of their government imploding and becoming a virulent hater of the United States and could sell some suitcase Nukes to Terrorists {so I take back that things are not so bad after all}
It is not cheap to be a nuclear superpower, and right now Russia does not want to spend the money since the world is in a recession, not just the United States, Russia has experienced an roughly 80% fall in their stock market, and the drop in oil prices may have made Russia unable to spend their way back to superpower status.
I am pretty convinced that the KGB spymaster Putin is bluffing when he rattles his tiny little sword and does "war games" with Hugo Chavez and pals around with Fidel Castro and his brother since the ships he is using for these games are of WW2 vintage. I felt much better when I read the U.S. Department of State's Sean McCormack said "if Russia feels as though they want to take some of their old aircraft out of mothballs and fly them around, it's their decision"
In case the bluff of Putin works and people like Barney Frank wants to shift Billions we are spending in Iraq and Afghanistan to the welfare state, this put America in grave peril. Socialism does not work! Period! The people of Europe have proved it does not work, the ancient Chinese tried it and failed, But our President-elect believes it can work {after all he is the Messiah} and is determined to try it again.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Believed that socialism could work and implemented the welfare state, there was a veritable alphabet soup of new programs with the obligatory bureaucrats everywhere! It failed to get us out of the depression, although Democrats will try to blind you to this truth with a bunch of blather. In truth it was WW2 that ended the depression, the free market so to speak ended it, regardless of what the so called "enlightened " ones will tell you. It is these so called "enlightened ones" that want power and authority who are pushing the welfare state. These are the people we need to get rid of before they destroy America!.
As Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to Abigail Adams
" Nothing in the constitution has given them {the Federal Judges} a right to decide for the executive branch, more than the right to decide for them, But the opinion which gives the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what are not, would make the Judicial Branch despotic bunch.
Remember, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.