America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
This is the most ridiculous thoughts EVER!
Published on November 25, 2008 By Moderateman In Politics

While Bush hatred is no new thing this latest demand from the far left reaches new lows; they are demanding that first Dick Cheney resign, the President Bush do the same so Nambla Nancy Pelosi can become President and work "more closely" with the Messiah Barack Obama.

Never mind that Bush is already working closely with Obama. Never mind that never in history has a President resigned under these circumstances. Never mind that the tradition of a orderly transition of power has always been the model for a President to turn his office over to the next president.

This thing of course will never happen, if it did it would throw an already panicked country further into panic, but that does not matter to the Bush hating crowd all they want is Bush gone as fast as possible to let Obama take power without even knowing what will really happen.

When I first heard this on Fox news I thought it was some kind of joke, but when Juan Williams a devout Democrat and a liberal said "this should not even be talked about it is that dumb" {paraphrased} I knew the rumors were real.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 27, 2008

There are far too many loons - I get liberals and conservatives but not the ones who start foaming at the mouth.I think many Americans have become so wrapped up in the liberal vs. conservative labels that they don't realize that at best these politicians are decent custodians of public will. Remember when Democracts and Republicans were laughing at Bush looking for weapons of mass destruction under the couch?These guys play up the red state vs. blue state thing to get people to focus of anything but their robbing of America. I wait for the day when statistics and economics are part of our public school system and suddenly politicians will have to answer to a much more informed populous.

This particluar tatic is a work of art, keep everyone at each others throat so they don't see who is picking their pockets.

on Nov 27, 2008

This particluar tatic is a work of art, keep everyone at each others throat so they don't see who is picking their pockets.

Yep, and it works quite well.


Frankly I am going to be quite amused when all of the Obama worshippers start realizing that he's just another scumbag politician and not the "something different" savior they thought they were getting.

on Nov 27, 2008

 Frankly I am going to be quite amused when all of the Obama worshippers start realizing that he's just another scumbag politician and not the "something different" savior they thought they were getting.

Can we be sure they will ever realize?  Its possible that they could just decide to ignore any problems that crop up.

on Nov 27, 2008

There are far too many loons - I get liberals and conservatives but not the ones who start foaming at the mouth.

I think many Americans have become so wrapped up in the liberal vs. conservative labels that they don't realize that at best these politicians are decent custodians of public will. Remember when Democracts and Republicans were laughing at Bush looking for weapons of mass destruction under the couch?

These guys play up the red state vs. blue state thing to get people to focus of anything but their robbing of America. I wait for the day when statistics and economics are part of our public school system and suddenly politicians will have to answer to a much more informed populous.


ive been a HUGE supporter in econ being a required class not for one but TWO years worth. Many parents have gotten away from teaching thier kids the basics in life and how things work. This is one of the very few things I support the schools to teach


How many here grew up and if we wanted something it got to the point where our parents told us to GTHO and go get a job if we wanted something? I know mine did at the nice ripe age of 13. Its hot trimming christmas trees in the summer. I eventually learned the value of a dollar... and that in order to get that you had to get off your butt and earn it.

Now things are just handed to the kids.  Want a car? mommie and daddie will buy it for you...right off the lot with 20 miles on it. Want that new pair of pants that are "IN" mommie and daddie will buy it for you.

Then the kids watch mom and dad spend like there is no tomarrow... its a habbit that can be learned i think and with out the basic understandings we have gotten so messed up that now we are starting to see the affects of these actions.


I for one refuse to let MY kids fall into this failed thinking. My 4 year old is autistic , but damn it hes gonna learn how to spend money and budget the right way. $1 a day for doing simple picking up the toys.... work for that money. Its what my parents taught me and now its being taught to the kids....once he gets older, we are sitting down and going over how stuff runs in the econ....

Sorry for getting off subject a bit but thats one of those things that DO rattle me...

on Nov 29, 2008

Frankly I am going to be quite amused when all of the Obama worshippers start realizing that he's just another scumbag politician and not the "something different" savior they thought they were getting.
Spoken like a veritable loon.

Can we be sure they will ever realize? Its possible that they could just decide to ignore any problems that crop up.
In bed with Mason?

on Nov 29, 2008

BTW Moderate Man, What's not to hate?

on Nov 29, 2008

BTW Moderate Man, What's not to hate?

Disagreeing with all of Bushes many mistakes is one thing, but HATRED is a huge waste of time and energy.

on Nov 29, 2008

ive been a HUGE supporter in econ being a required class not for one but TWO years worth. Many parents have gotten away from teaching thier kids the basics in life and how things work. This is one of the very few things I support the schools to teach
watertown1978on Nov 27, 2008

Amen, after teaching, we would only have to be able to pin down a politician to get an answer, they are all masters at saying tomes of information while never answering the question put to them.

on Nov 29, 2008

Spoken like a veritable loon.

And this absurd statement is based on what? Your inability to consider the possibility that your messiah is just another politican and not the savior people like you seem to believe him to be? Frankly, you're the one who comes across as a loon.

on Nov 29, 2008


ive been a HUGE supporter in econ being a required class not for one but TWO years worth. Many parents have gotten away from teaching thier kids the basics in life and how things work. This is one of the very few things I support the schools to teach
watertown1978on Nov 27, 2008
Amen, after teaching, we would only have to be able to pin down a politician to get an answer, they are all masters at saying tomes of information while never answering the question put to them.


I dont think its not so much the fact that the politicans know so much, its just that the public buys whatever they say.  I think if the general public knew more that they would actually hold the politicans feet to the fire for once and not take the "everything will be fine" attitude from them...

on Nov 29, 2008

Disagreeing with all of Bushes many mistakes is one thing, but HATRED is a huge waste of time and energy.
All in good fun--I respected the father and just laughed and sometimes cried at the son.

on Nov 29, 2008

And this absurd statement is based on what?
Precisely this:
they are demanding that first Dick Cheney resign, the President Bush do the same so Nambla Nancy Pelosi can become President and work "more closely" with the Messiah Barack Obama.
You're as bad as the lefty loons since they have nothing to with the reality of the Democratic leaders.

on Dec 01, 2008

All in good fun--I respected the father and just laughed and sometimes cried at the son.

You are going to have a ball the next 4 years with the new SON.

on Dec 02, 2008

You are going to have a ball the next 4 years with the new SON.
...and the wise disciples: Joe, Hillary and Michelle.    

on Dec 03, 2008

...and the wise disciples: Joe, Hillary and Michelle.

And here I thought they were the Pharisees.

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