America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Peace loving?
Published on November 17, 2008 By Moderateman In Current Events

On November 14Th this year a group of Christians decided to pray for gays in San franfreako, the gays responded to this peaceful demonstration by blowing whistles in the ears of the Christians; when this did not stop the Christians from singing Amazing Grace, the oh so peaceful gays started throwing hot coffee and other objects at the Christians, some of the gays showing how much class they have, urinated on several of the group.

Then they started shoving the Christians around, touching their genitals, trying to take the pants off of several members;  attempting to shove objects into the females anus. The entire time the POLICE did nothing, no arrests were made, why? because San Franfreako is a G-Dless city, filled with disgusting perverts, that keep electing Nambla Nancy Pelosi, a perfect union between  a perverted Politician and a city reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 21, 2008

All I can think is if a few Supreme court Justices overturn the will of the people once more and somehow Homosexual marriage is made the law in California, and then as California goes, so goes the nation, and then the world, then we will have truly entered into the New World Order.And in the NWO, verbal, sexual and physical attacks on Christians, like this we have seen in the public streets of San Francisco will be politically protected.     

Someone {preferably a Christian} has to take this to court and charge the gays with a hate crime, hetro-bashing, that they are being targeted just because of their sexual preference.

on Nov 22, 2008



I don't think it's so much proving you wrong...for even I was anxious to read more of the details....and bravo to MIchelle Malkin, btw.....she's my kind of gal.

It's may be simply they don't want to or can't defend the indefensible for that always leaves a bad taste in one's mouth and lump in the gut.......while at the same time stubbornly refusing to admit that the Christians were in the right and come to their support by defending their right.





on Nov 22, 2008

Someone {preferably a Christian} has to take this to court and charge the gays with a hate crime, hetro-bashing, that they are being targeted just because of their sexual preference.

You make an interesting point.....however, Christians are not apt to react this way....first, becasue the so called "hate crime" laws are unconstitutional, and 2nd, any kind of bashing is not a crime per se, while physical, verbal and sexual assault is.

I understand btw, that the old woman who was pushed and shoved and had the cross ripped from her arms has filed charges.  

on Nov 22, 2008

I find it truly incredible that anyone, regardless of sexual or political orientation, can condone and even attempt to justify such criminal and socially unacceptable behavior. Had the situtaion been reversed they would be the first ones screaming for justice. This was criminal behavior, plain and simple and no amount of twisted reasoning can justify it.

Frankly, I think the people subjected to this abuse should sue the hell out of the city for failure to enforce the law and protect the people. Assaulting people for simply exercising their rights is not acceptable, period.

on Nov 27, 2008

All I can think is if a few Supreme court Justices overturn the will of the people once more and somehow Homosexual marriage is made the law in California, and then as California goes, so goes the nation, and then the world, then we will have truly entered into the New World Order.And in the NWO, verbal, sexual and physical attacks on Christians, like this we have seen in the public streets of San Francisco will be politically protected.     

Christians need to form their own version of the JDL {Jewish Defense League} A group of Christians that refuse to be trampled on, a group that will fight back and protect their brothers and sisters from attacks like this one.

on Nov 27, 2008

I find it truly incredible that anyone, regardless of sexual or political orientation, can condone and even attempt to justify such criminal and socially unacceptable behavior. Had the situtaion been reversed they would be the first ones screaming for justice. This was criminal behavior, plain and simple and no amount of twisted reasoning can justify it.Frankly, I think the people subjected to this abuse should sue the hell out of the city for failure to enforce the law and protect the people. Assaulting people for simply exercising their rights is not acceptable, period.

Especially when you consider the gays are the first ones to call "POLICE" when they are attacked and the "hate crime statue" is automatically tacked on, so any penalty will be more than just a normal crime.

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