America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
The proof will be the Democratic Convention
Published on August 19, 2008 By Moderateman In Politics

While the attention of some of the country will be focused on the Democratic Convention, they have already laid out what their main platform will be.

Since we already know Hussein has NOTHING of any substance to offer the country besides a winning smile and the ability to read a teleprompter, the platform will be all about McCain, trying their best to say that Bush is running for a third term through McCain.

Hussein has already shown when he does not have the answers printed out in front of him he no longer is the suave speaker, this last showing of his was dismal to say the least. No wonder he keeps running away from debates with McCain, he does have smart handler's, they are wise enough to know that if Hussein does not have a teleprompter in front of him already loaded with answers to questions that are approved ahead of time he looks like what he is, AN EMPTY SUIT!! He did so poorly that all the little Left wing talking heads had to get together with this "grand conspiracy" that McCain knew what the questions where ahead of time, even though he was on a bus traveling. What a bunch of losers and sore losers at that!

How can we expect this BOY to lead a nation against Terrorists that are determined to destroy us, when he is frightened like a little girly man of not just McCain, but Fox News too!

While I think McCain is a terrible candidate, Hussein is by far, much more of a threat to the nation, our internal security,  and our economy.

So in closing if you want to spend some wasted time watching the Dem. Convention expect to see and hear what the left does best, much whining, gnashing of teeth, finger pointing and absolutely offering no solutions to anything. But their old favorite standby..... RAISE TAXES!!!! will be mentioned often. Oh yes and other pie in the sky promises they have no intention of keeping, like universal health care, because in truth the cost would bankrupt an almost already bankrupt nation.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 24, 2008

"Why insist on calling Obama by his middle name"
For the sheer pleasure of annoying people like you.

Wow, what a fun and fulfilling life you must have... 

on Aug 24, 2008

Why insist on calling Obama by his middle name, yet not then extend the same treatment to McCain, Bush, and anyone else you mention? If you don't like obama, at least give present reasoned arguments as to why not, instead of trying to stoke up irrational fears such as 'his names hussain - that means he's a muslim - that means he's a terrorist'.

Basically it is just a retaliation for the leftist who insist on calling McCain McSame trying to tie his to Bush anyway they can.

on Aug 25, 2008

If he were an adroit politician as some claim he would have long ago legally changed his name to Barry Harry O' Bonny.   

on Aug 25, 2008

Barry Harry O' Bonny.

I for one am glad he did not - that one does not sound like a muslim name, but it sounds very X rated.

on Aug 25, 2008

I don't know Doc, be cast as a porn star might work out better than Muslim sympathizer does.

on Aug 25, 2008

be cast as a porn star might work out better than Muslim sympathizer does.

Worked for Billy.

on Aug 31, 2008

If he were an adroit politician as some claim he would have long ago legally changed his name to Barry Harry O' Bonny.   

He is adroit, he keeps showing it by ducking debates with McCain.

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