While I find the man himself an interesting character be he for real or just made up stories for the masses. The message left from the stories about him are indeed good ones, love thy neighbor, be of good character, be humble, Etc!
While the deeds done in his name have not followed any of his teachings, The inquisition, the crusades, the discrimination of the Jews; the huge split among the Christians themselves into many, many fractions, all of them believing theirs is the only way to G-ds door! what Bullshit!
I have seen so many articles on Jesus, none of them can even agree with themselves, each Christian having their own view on how Jesus wants them to be! If Jesus exists he is pulling his hair out in shame at how Christians behave.
The seventh Day adventist declares the southern baptists is a heretic, the Catholic says the Apostolic is nuts and on and on!
Please stoPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one knows for sure if Jesus is the son of G-d for SURE! Stop saying he is!