America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Jesse Jackson about B. Hussein Obama
Published on July 11, 2008 By Moderateman In Current Events

Not that I like Jesse Jackson, after all he is one of the biggest racist on the planet!

His comment about the Senator was one that was supposed to not be caught on microphone, but it was!

My opinion about it is that is was simply a comment made from a man that sees his little empire slipping away, no longer will Jesse and his main man Al Sharpton will be the head Negroes in town and Jesse hates that! Another Black-man getting more news and face time than he is! Oh the pain! Oh the agony!

Would Jesse have made that comment to the man sitting next to him if that man was a White man? I don't think so! After all Jesse would never demean another Black to a White, but since the man sitting next to him was another Black, Jesse felt comfortable disrespecting what might be the next president of the United States, {G-D Forbid}.

What say you folks?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 14, 2008

psychxon Jul 14, 2008


By now it has become apparent to me you have a closed mind, so far you have inserted thoughts into the article that DO NOT EXCIST, so it fits YOUR argument.  You have accused me of being something I am NOT after people I have inter acted with for 4 years have told you you are wrong, you still insist I am a KKK member calling for segregation, now down to separation which in essence is still segregation. You put words in DOCG's mouth to fit your argument, Charles too, I believe... Docg was to kind to say it but I am not so kind today, you have gotten on my final nerve, so if it walks like a LIBERAL, QUACKS LIKE A LIBERAL, ARGUES LIKE A LIBERAL, YOU MUST BE A LIBERAL. Now knowing this we can continue, all the rational people armed with the knowledge that nothing they say will change a loony LIBERAL mind once it's made up.

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