America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
from Michele Malkin's Website
Published on February 11, 2008 By Moderateman In Current Events

This ought to make your blood boil.  And this Marine should receive a commendation for not kicking the living crap out of the guy...seriously.

Marine Sgt Mike McNulty is on activation orders to Iraq (second tour).  On December 1st, 2007, Mike went to visit a friend in Chicago before deploying to say goodbye.  In order to get to his friend's residence, and keep in mind that Chicago is a myriad of diagonal and one-way streets, the front entrance (right way) to the one-way street was blocked.  Mike, being a Marine, overcame and adapted by driving around the block to the other end of the street and backing up all the way to his friend's place. 

While saying goodbye, at about 11pm, he noticed a man leaning up against his car. Mike left his friend's apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides. Such heroic work, stealthy, in the dark of night, our LIBERAL HERO sneaks up on the deadly parked car and ATTACKS it with his key, now this is not any ordinary key but a key to his bio-fuel car, our hero LIBERAL LAWYER HAS spent many years perfecting his discipline, key-fu.


After caught in the process, the man told Mike, "you think you can do whatever you want with Department of Defense license plates and tags".  (In Illinois you can purchase veteran, Marine, or medal plates.  Mike has Illinois Marine Corps license plates.)  During the exchange, he made additional anti-military comments. Yes land of the free, because men like Mike are willing to die to protect ASSHATS like this LIBERAL PEICE OF garbage, so the  garbage can key his car in the dead of the night. jerk!

Mike called the Chicago police and had the man arrested. A citation against the man was issued for misdemeanor criminal damage to private property.

The police report  states:

Victim related to P/O that as he walked back to his vehicle, he observed the offender leaning up against his vehicle and rubbed/dragged his left arm and hand across the passenger side.  As offender walked away from victim's vehicle, victim observed a scratch along the rear trunk and passenger's door area where offender dragged his arm and hand over.  Victim and witness stopped offender and confronted him.  Victim has military plates and decals on his vehicle and offender made anti war and military comments to victim.  Upon P/O's arrival to scene, offender denied scratch victim's vehicle, but did admit to rubbing past it.  Victim at this time did not sign complaint, because he is leaving tour for military duty.  Offender said they accused him of scratching the car because he is Jewish.  Offender's statements/responses to P/O's questions unreasonable.    People like this moron make me ashamed to be a Jew!  

As it turns out, the man is Chicago lawyer Jay R. Grodner, who owns a law firm in the city and has offices in the suburbs.

After sending the car to the body shop, it was determined there is $2400 in damage, making this a felony. Mike went to court Friday morning to collect the damages against Mr. Grodner and file felony charges. Though the damages are over $300 (the amount which determines felony or misdemeanor) Grodner offered Mike to pay his deductible, $100, and have Mike's insurance pay for it.

The Illinois States Attorneys tried to coerce Mike into accepting the offer. Appalled, Mike said he wanted this to be a felony. The state told Mike that it was not worth pursuing felony damage against Grodner because they don't have the time. In addition, the state prosecutors told him that he would never it 'would be difficult to recover the damages' from Grodner because he is a lawyer.

Instead, the State asked Mike if he would accept probation for Grodner. Mike accepted, probation was offered to Grodner, and Grodner declined the offer, saying within ear shot of Mike, "I'm not going to make it easy on this kid". Mike's next court date is tomorrow, Monday, December 31st, to pursue misdemeanor charges against Grodner.

Mike's leave is over on January 2nd when he reports to Camp Pendleton before heading to Iraq.

Jay Grodner knows this and is going to file for a continuance until Mike is gone and cannot appear in court.

By account of the Illinois State's Attorneys, Grodner is likely to get away with defacing Mike's car with no penalty because, 1) Mike is about to deploy to Iraq and will not be available to appear in court, and 2) Grodner is a lawyer and can get out of this very easily.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 12, 2008

Reply By: terpfan1980Posted: Monday, February 11, 2008
Perhaps the probation for the scum lawyer could be served in Iraq.

I was thinking he could be a stand in for a bayonet dummy.

on Feb 12, 2008

Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Everyone who enjoys the Freedom in the US should.....thank a veteran!

Liberals only thank veterans, when they are on camera and are pandering for votes.

on Feb 12, 2008
Fact 1) That lawyer is an asshole, and the marine is totally in his right
Fact 2) Not because that lawyer is an anti-military asshole that makes him a liberal. Liberal is a political orientation, which on the "foreign policy" issue is more often associated with pacifism, not anti-militaries.

(I am a fiscal conservative, social liberal, centrist foreign policy myself)
How does that label me?
on Feb 12, 2008
How does that label me?

That depends, would you key a Marines car to show your hatred for the U.S. Military?
on Feb 12, 2008
That depends, would you key a Marines car to show your hatred for the U.S. Military?

No. but that doesn't mean I am not a Liberal.

And I don't see why the man should be labelled as "Liberal". He is way too asshole for that. I'd call him "anarchist"
on Feb 12, 2008
"...this Marine should receive a commendation for not kicking the living crap out of the guy...seriously." I highly doubt a marine would do that, I've never met a marine that would. (And my family is primarily a marine family. So, I'm nt just talking out my ass.)

Tell me, please, what does this lawyer's political affiliation have to do with his obvious insanity? It seems to me like you're just perpetuating the bullshit political game called "divide and conquer." One man, a group of 100, or a thousand do not represent all liberals. It's complete bullshit that tactic is. Obama said something once that is undeniably true, no matter who you are or what your affiliation.

He said, "There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America." If we let this country, the United States of America, fall further into a division than we already are, then we're screwed; each and everyone of us.

Also, I don't mean to promote car scratching
on Feb 12, 2008


I apologize if I got a little riled up. It's a sore subject for me since I was raised in an extremely conservative family, and grew up in a pretty conservative town.   
on Feb 12, 2008
I don't mean to be that guy that asks for citations or tells you what to do with your joeUser account, but honestly, I don't believe you have the rights to reproduce this article in your blog. You took it word for word right out of this BlackFive blog, which, in the academic world (and the regular world too, as far as I am aware), is plagiarism.

I'm not making accusations, I just think it would be more interesting to hear your position on the story, your opinions and thoughts, instead of directly copying someone else's work.

(My apologies for derailing the thread)
on Feb 13, 2008

(I am a fiscal conservative, social liberal, centrist foreign policy myself)
How does that label me?

An individual.

on Feb 13, 2008


I apologize if I got a little riled up. It's a sore subject for me since I was raised in an extremely conservative family, and grew up in a pretty conservative town.

Appologize to Moderateman.  It is his blog and his rant, not mine.

on Feb 13, 2008
Dang it, meant mod but had just read something you posted. ::Sighs:: Oy, someone smack me upside the head.
on Feb 13, 2008
Tell me, please, what does this lawyer's political affiliation have to do with his obvious insanity? It seems to me like you're just perpetuating the bullshit political game called "divide and conquer." One man, a group of 100, or a thousand do not represent all liberals. It's complete bullshit that tactic is. Obama said something once that is undeniably true, no matter who you are or what your affiliation.

Hey retard...the guy keyed the Marine's vehicle BECAUSE of his political views. He went so far as to explicitly express his motivation for the keying by throwing out anti-war/anti-military comments when confronted by the Marine.

So, yeah, his political affiliation has everything to do with his ILLEGAL actions.

PS - Don't pretend like your family is full of hard core Marines. They're all fat, lazy, white-trash losers. Having some Uncle twice removed who went through 4 weeks of Basic Training before dropping out 12 years ago does not make your family a family of Marines.

on Feb 13, 2008
He said, "There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America."

Do you really believe that? I'd tell you to crawl out from under your rock but it seems you've already done that only to start bashing youerself in the head with it.

on Feb 13, 2008
There's not a Latin America, there's not a South America, there's not a North Amercia. There is a United States of America.
on Feb 13, 2008
There's not a Latin America, there's not a South America, there's not a North Amercia. There is a United States of America.

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