America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Democratic Congressman Brian Baird, Slashed and Trashed
Published on September 7, 2007 By Moderateman In Current Events

 Democratic Congressman Brian Baird, an ardent opponent of the Iraq war, who recently traveled to Iraq and, surprisingly, came back saying that the "surge" is improving things there. This man has angered the Moveon crowd, as they have now taken out attack ads aiming at getting him out of office for the crime of thinking for himself! MoveOn doesn't aim to engage in debate, but to punish and silence Democrats who dare think for themselves. This has become typical of the farleft loons TO EAT THEIR OWN PEOPLE that do not follow lockstep the mantra, Bush bad, Iraq failure. Any Democrat that dares to think for themselves will be harassed and defamed by the Moveon people, these folk have no morals, no scruples and no ethics, their only desire in life is to turn America into some kind of European Model of Secular progressive Blather {GAG} Religion Bad! I do notice they believe in spreading the wealth of the nation helping those that cannot help themselves, as long as it's not their money!

The funding behind MoveOn comes from radical left-wing billionaires George Soros and Peter Lewis, from the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund which has assets of nearly $400 million, and from the ultra-liberal "Tides Foundation." MoveOn members also donate. In other words they have deep pockets and do not mind spending millions on the destruction of any member of the democratic party they see as betraying the CAUSE!

There is nothing on the right that compares with the tactics used by MoveOn and the reach it has purchased. These people have co-opted fanatical left mainstream media people at the New York Times and NBC News, among others, and can get their propaganda spread quickly. The far-right has little, if any, access to the mainstream media.

When good men like Senator Lieberman and Congressman Baird become targets of hate and defamation—and their own party doesn't stick up for them—you know something is very wrong. We all saw how quickly the left turned on Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut Primaries, the smear job done on him, the racist and bigoted anti-Semitic remarks spread by the moveon crowd trying to defeat Senator Lieberman and defeat him they did, in the primaries.. but in the general election Joe turned the tables on the moveon crowd and had a sweeping victory despite the millions of dollars poured into defeating him.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 09, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Sunday, September 09, 2007
But this was part of the reason for McCain's defeat in S. carolina. They said that his adopted daughter was really his black love child.

(forgive me, Father, for I am about to sin)...

Ok Gid I totally missed what point you were trying to make, care to elucidate?

on Sep 09, 2007
Ok Gid I totally missed what point you were trying to make, care to elucidate?

It's from "O Brother Where Art Thou?" when the opponent of the incumbent governor tries to get political headway by declaring that the Soggy Bottom Boys (who have won popular crowd approval, and, eventually, the governor's approval and pardon) are miscegenated. It's an obviously misfired attempt to make light of the whole ridiculous notion of using scandal for political advantage.

(sigh) when you have to explain it it loses its punch.
on Sep 09, 2007

You do realize you just smeared an entire state as racist?" Who is the "they" BTW?

Nope, just the Republicans who voted in the primary.  Mabye they're not racist, maybe they just think it's morally wrong to have a "love child".  Not that either scenario was correct   Know one knows who "they" are.  "They" won't take responsbility.  It's called a whisper campaign for a reason. 

on Sep 09, 2007
on Sep 09, 2007
(Citizen)Gideon MacLeishSeptember 9, 2007 14:47:11

(sigh) when you have to explain it it loses its punch.

sorry Gid, but how can I learn if I pretend to know what people are talking about when I don't have a clue?
on Sep 09, 2007
LocamamaSeptember 9, 2007 18:20:53
Here is one article about the McCain South Carolina primary.

this 'ARTICLE' ha! is an opinion editorial better known as an op-ed piece, no where did he back up a single allegation with a fact, no where did he claim to even know someone that got one of these phone calls. In other words his article has LESS VERACITY THAN MY simple article has where at least I have real facts to back my premise up.
on Sep 09, 2007
stupid non functioning edit option!
on Sep 09, 2007

sorry Gid, but how can I learn if I pretend to know what people are talking about when I don't have a clue?

Oh, I know, MM I was just disappointed, that's all!

on Sep 09, 2007

this 'ARTICLE' ha! is an opinion editorial better known as an op-ed piece, no where did he back up a single allegation with a fact, no where did he claim to even know someone that got one of these phone calls. In other words his article has LESS VERACITY THAN MY simple article has where at least I have real facts to back my premise up.

Like I said no one stands up and takes credit for a whisper campaign.  No one holds a press conference or puts out a press release.  It still happened.  Whispers of Karl Rove being responsible. 

on Sep 10, 2007

this 'ARTICLE' ha! is an opinion editorial better known as an op-ed piece, no where did he back up a single allegation with a fact, no where did he claim to even know someone that got one of these phone calls. In other words his article has LESS VERACITY THAN MY simple article has where at least I have real facts to back my premise up.

Pretty much defines how democrats operate.  It is not the evidence that matters (or lack thereof), but the seriousness of the charges.  Loca, you just did what you accuse republicans of doing.  No names, and a slur with no basis in fact.

maybe I will write an OP Ed piece detailing my intimate knowledge of how Hillary's campaign told the democrats of Obama's cross dressing antics.  Of course I cant mention any names or sources since it was told to me on the condition of anonymity.  But I am sure you have heard of it, right?  Everyone has.

on Sep 10, 2007

Pretty much defines how democrats operate. It is not the evidence that matters (or lack thereof), but the seriousness of the charges

I think an article written by McCain's campaign manager who had personal experience dealing with this situation does hold up to scrutiny.  I also saw an interview of McCain's wife who described the pain that it caused her daughter.  Of course, there is not going to be an official statement of dirty tricks in elections, that doesn't mean it didn't happen.  This was just one example that came to me off the top of my head of Republicans eating their own.  I am sure there are just as many incidences on the Republican side as their are on the Democrat side.

on Sep 10, 2007

Of course, there is not going to be an official statement of dirty tricks in elections, that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

That is how slurs are created.  "of Course no one is going to admit it".  And therefore the believers do not have to offer any proof.  Just the belief is enough since "of course they are going to deny it".

By the same token, we all KNOW that Richard Jewell did it.  And "of course he will never admit it".  But the lack of proof is just proof of how well they cover their tracks.  It has nothing to do with facts.  The absence of facts is further proof that it must have occurred.

And of course step 2 in the democrat playbook - accuse your opponents of your crimes before they can uncover yours to deflect the criticism and the attention. "I am sure they do it as well, everyone does it".

on Sep 10, 2007
I think an article written by McCain's campaign manager who had personal experience dealing with this situation does hold up to scrutiny.

And then you wonder why I compare you to Col gene, Loca. You guys take anything said bad about someone opposing your opinions as fact or truth just because it came from someone who was close to that person. It's kinda funny how everyone admits that lying is part of being a politician except when you are saying something bad about the opposing party, then it's all true, it must be true, right?
on Sep 10, 2007

And of course step 2 in the democrat playbook - accuse your opponents of your crimes before they can uncover yours

and how many Republican scandals have there been this year alone?  Methinks they do protest too much. 

It's kinda funny how everyone admits that lying is part of being a politician except when you are saying something bad about the opposing party, then it's all true, it must be true, right?

This is about a Republican candidate using dirty tricks on another Republican candidate, Charles. 

on Sep 10, 2007

and how many Republican scandals have there been this year alone? Methinks they do protest too much.

So that makes everyone true, regardless of the evidence?  Guess we should add a 2a to the play book.  Ifit has happened somewhere at sometime in the history of mankind, then it must have happened now as well.

p.s. For the record, no one is protesting.  Unless asking for facts is a protest.  Which to a democrat probably is.

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