Harry Hay {may he rot in hell} is dead, but before he died he had the distinct pleasure of marching in one of many Gay Pride parades in San Fran Freako, the Toilet bowl by the Bay, a city well known for its Anti-American Policies, its anti-Military stances, it is also one of those cities that is considered a Illegal Immigrant haven, where the police CANNOT ask if a person is in America legally, but I digress.
Harry Hay was the founder and leader of NAMBLA and during one gay pride parade HONORING HIM, who was proudly marching at his side?
Why Nancy Pelosi of course.. anyone that wants proof of this can just type ' NAMBLA NANCY' in the information bar on your computer and read away. Is this the best the Democrats have to offer? Someone that approves of MAN, BOY LOVE?
Is there no LOW that this woman will stoop to to remain in power? She is the Congresswoman that represents the district of San Fran Freako, this union is a perfect match, an Anti- American surrender Monkey congresswoman representing an anti-American city filled with the dregs of America, truly a city that could compare with Sodom or Gomorrah in its excesses.
Along with her sidekick another surrender Monkey, Harry Reid representing a city named 'sin city' {Las Vegas}yet another city famed for its excesses, the Democrats have a one two punch that puts America in serious peril.