America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
No More Anchor Babies
Published on June 27, 2007 By Moderateman In US Domestic

Anchor babies have long been a sneaky way for Illegal Aliens to break the law by coming across the border Pregnant and give birth in America so the baby become a citizen taking advantage of the fourteenth Amendment.

It shows their contempt for America and her laws by taking advantage, having a BABY WHICH AUTOMATICALLY BECOMES A CITIZEN, and allows the Illegals to stay so we do not break the family up.

ENOUGH I SAY! We need to Amend the fourteenth Amendment and stop giving Citizenship to babies of illegal Aliens, forcing them to leave, this madness must stop. Put this to a vote to the American People. Let the people decide if we want this archaic law to continue. The law was written after the Dredd Scott decision, making sure that slaves born in America were citizens of the country, it has outlived its usefulness.

I for one would vote that we ban this law and send the entire family back to where they came from no matter when it is.

Enough of these escape clauses for Illegal aliens to take advantage of. Enough of fair play, for they do not play fair. they lie, cheat, SOME STEAL and still they get to reap the benefits of American citizenship while not being citizens! Enough is enough already! it is time to stand up and say if you are not going to come to America Legally, you will be deported, if you get caught a second time you will be sent to prison, then deported. To many Illegals are using this Amendment to weasel their way into America to stay, and they are taught how to use this by the Mexican Government to top it off.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 29, 2007
you write so well, deep thoughts and put to cyber paper so succinctly, I agree naturally, but that's because it seems you agree with with my premise too.

Hey MM, thanks for the kind words.
on Jun 29, 2007
The more I think about it, the more I think it's a terrible idea to make children born on our soil to illegals American citizens, even if we deport them right away. Just think - because they were born in America, they could be elected President of the US some day, even though they may have much stronger ties to a Latin American nation. Also, this President may then pardon all the illegals coming into the country.

Not likely to happen, but we need to keep it from happening vigilantly.
on Jun 29, 2007

Reply By: Demosthenes LockePosted: Friday, June 29, 2007
you write so well, deep thoughts and put to cyber paper so succinctly, I agree naturally, but that's because it seems you agree with with my premise too.

Hey MM, thanks for the kind words.

Tis my pleasure to read such well thought out comments instead of the usual. "oh hell yeh I agree" or "you suck" heh

on Jun 29, 2007

Reply By: JythierPosted: Friday, June 29, 2007
The more I think about it, the more I think it's a terrible idea to make children born on our soil to illegals American citizens, even if we deport them right away. Just think - because they were born in America, they could be elected President of the US some day, even though they may have much stronger ties to a Latin American nation. Also, this President may then pardon all the illegals coming into the country.

Not likely to happen, but we need to keep it from happening vigilantly.

wow now there is a train of thought I never explored, it's a damn scary thought and could come true. wow again. Have one of my very very rare insightfuls.

on Jun 29, 2007
My trains of thought often run down absurd tracks. But, you know, if all the illegals are given a chance to be citizens now, and we ramp up border security, eventually they will get their citizenship and begin voting. Voting for people against border security, and for heavy immigration. They don't even need someone from Mexico, just enough people in government who agree that the border should be open, and suddenly we have a Canadian style border with Mexico.
on Jun 30, 2007

Reply By: JythierPosted: Friday, June 29, 2007
My trains of thought often run down absurd tracks. But, you know, if all the illegals are given a chance to be citizens now, and we ramp up border security, eventually they will get their citizenship and begin voting. Voting for people against border security, and for heavy immigration. They don't even need someone from Mexico, just enough people in government who agree that the border should be open, and suddenly we have a Canadian style border with Mexico.

The Democrats who are Behind this absurd bill presented by President BUSH hope to gain generations of voters {latinos tend to vote democrat around 2 to 1 } would be more than happy to have an open border with Mexico if they get the credit for it being that way. Just so they can stay in power.

on Jul 02, 2007
and again you want to punish the innocent along with the guilty

There would be NO innocent without the guilty now would there?
on Jul 02, 2007
Another double standard is, if two illegal aliens have a baby just to stay in the U.S. they aren't punished. If an illegal alien and a citizen have a baby and it can be demonstrated they did it just to keep the illegal alien in the U.S. the Citizen can be put in prison.
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