America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on May 3, 2007 By Moderateman In Blogging

 Yeh now we know I am starting to feel better, I have several bones to pick with the powers that be of Joeuser.

Bitch one, I am getting no where near the points I deserve from comments made on my blogs.Unless someone with a lot of juice is trolling me over and over again I do not get how I can go to bed, with say 100 points, come back the next day see 18 replies on differing articles and still have 100 points!

Bitch two, What do I have to do to get featured? I have not been featured for near six months now. why? I have written several pretty good articles, My one on the Anti-Christ for one and my most recent one on the U.N.

Bitch three. Joeuser is acting wonky as hell, I get cannot connect to server when I am connected and just commented on someone else's article, what's up with that?

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 03, 2007
This wasn't fair to MM, whether or not he minds I don't know. I just think it's pretty low to use MM's blog to attack me

It's just too bad MM is so passive and wouldn't, like, you know, TELL LW if she'd cross over the line.

Oh wait. Somehow it seemed to occur to me that he passed into manhood, like, before I was born and that he can let people know when/if they've gone too far.

But if I'm wrong, MM, by all means, correct me!
on May 03, 2007
(happy, shades?)

quite. thanks gid. you made my night (which might imply that I need to get out more!).

on May 04, 2007
I get kicked off a lot too, at work and home, it takes forever to log on or I'm logged, respond to an article and whammo, off again! Most times I don't have the luxury of time when I log, meaning I can't stay on for two or three hours without interruption. Sometimes I leave it open at work. Most times I sign off, so I miss some good articles by some of my fav people and then its too late to catch up or sometimes I post anyway!lol!

I've been featured a bit recently, last month, two articles I think...I'ld have to check. I guess probably because they were topics relevant to some of the stuff going on...not sure but it was nice being featured! I don't mind the points, I would be lying if I said I didn't. It's nice to know you're being read by some people anyway! Think of it like Primetime have some good sensational stuff sometimes, other times some thought provoking stuff...get a lot of readers....even though the comments might be non've got a feature! That's my guess anyway!
on May 04, 2007

I featured Sean Conners earlier this week whose opinions I generally strongly disagree with.  There's no conspiracy going on.  There isn't some particular process, we do a scatter shot look at articles and pick them.

Key things that help:

1) Good headline AND subhead. Lack of a subhead will greatly reduce odds of getting featured (i.e. a one line summary).

2) An insightful topic that is well written.

3) Good formatting.

4) Not excessively partisan (you can be partisan but if it's written like it could have been on DU or some right wing site it reduces the odds of getting featured).

But most often, someone writes a good article and it just isn't seen in time.   Contrary to what some think, I don't feature all my stuff. Not by a long shot.


on May 04, 2007
I think I'm going to write a short story entitled, "adventures in toenail clipping" I feel inspired. Unless, of course, LW won't give me the rights to her phrase. I promise to give you credit if I ever write it!

As for being featured: I'm not going to complain. I get a thrill when I click on the homepage and see something I've written staring back at me. I don't usually care why it's there, it makes me happy every time. I've had a variety of stuff posted -- from "Perceptions of Beauty" to "Of Wizards and Muggles" to one very strange feature, many years back, "My life meant nothing until you used my toothbrush". But, I don't even know who's in charge of picking features -- so I can't really suck up to them. I don't write to any certain view point -- hell, I'm not even a republican!

I know I've read other people's articles that I thought, "Wow. That blew me away." but they don't see the homepage. They just weren't in the right place at the right time. However, if you show good writing consistently, and you show intelligence and you act like someone others would want to read, you end up being someone that other bloggers will look for, even if you aren't featured. I know there are several... actually more than several, writers that I look for in the latest articles and if I don't see anything from them, I go look for them. Then, there are other bloggers whom I ignore -- especially if their articles and responses are always lacking in something -- taste, good manners, quality, intelligence... the list goes on. Getting featured is not the only way to get noticed. If someone's blog isn't generating an audience, not being featured is probably the least of their problems.
on May 04, 2007
Bloody freaking double posts! I knew better than to try submitting again. I should have known that the response went through even though I got an error page!

Oh well, more points for you!
on May 04, 2007
I get a thrill when I click on the homepage and see something I've written staring back at me. I don't usually care why it's there, it makes me happy every time

God I love that! An honest woman ya!
on May 04, 2007
According to one blogger, it's cause the owner puts up on the front page whatever person they think will draw the readers

This is true. Sorry, but what you cooked for dinner and your latest adventures in toenail clipping just don't quite make it.

Well golleee... for once in JU history you and your nemisis finally agree on something. And I don't mean me...

I've been in JU for years and am still at citizen 1 ranking. Oh but hey, I get featured now and then so I must be sucking some cyber-rectum, eh?

Now that's some really crude language, must make your mom proud.

indicative of the jealous and hateful nature you've always displayed

That accusation is truly getting old, hate takes up tooo much energy, and jealous of what? Surely not you.
I'm downright proud of those that are featured that have written great articles.

The only thing I'm jealous over is that it wasn't me that wrote about toe-nail clippings! It would have fit right in with my casseroles, pets, and weather reports from Minnesota!

she thinks her blog should be more popular, she thinks features are chosen not by their merit but based on how much brown-nosing one does with admins,

WOW, now lw is a mind reader! She thinks she knows what I'M thinking!

Do you get paid for this "mind reading talent"?? I hope not, cause if so, they've been cheated.

I mean really, trudy, from what you know of Brad, how often does he want to read about the weather in Minnesota, the cutesy things your cat does, or the new socks you just bought? I'm sure these things are fascinating to some people, in fact, Dr Guy seems to follow your exploits regularly, but I just don't see Brad getting quite as excited about your latest hotdish efforts.

From what I know of Brad I don't know how often he might want to read about the weather in MN. or my calico cat, and my new socks? God, did you follow me to Wal-Mart 2 weeks ago? I suppose you're either stalking me or else you know all and see all? Yes Indeed I got new socks 2 weeks ago...hmmmnnnnn. Makes one wonder about you. He might not get excited about my latest hotdish, however perhaps he could recommend a good wine for tonight.
Flame? naw. Just the same old same old insults. Almost "word for word" at that.

BTW, Dr. Guy is an equal opportunity reader and if you know Dr. Guy is reading of my exploits, then you must be tooo.......hmmmmn. Interesting.

on May 04, 2007
BTW, Dr. Guy is an equal opportunity reader and if you know Dr. Guy is reading of my exploits, then you must be tooo.......hmmmmn. Interesting.

Naw, she is just my groupie. She cant stand that I dont give too poops in a chute for her, so she has to see what responses of mine she can take out of context and make a flame blog out of.
on May 04, 2007

well no need for any elie input here. except.


thank you dr.evil errrrrrrrrr brad for outlining what is needed.

Hi meg! xoxo


carry on kids!

on May 04, 2007

There's yer JUWC!

I want the Ben and Jerry's. Like I said before, assholes they may be, but they can make ice cream. And if the carcinogens don't kill me, I'll prolly be eating bean sprouts on the lefties' new mandatory fitness plans! So I might as well get the ice creamery goodness while it still ain't a misdemeanor to purchase!
on May 04, 2007
(Citizen)little-whipMay 4, 2007 10:55:08

I need ice cream.

I have a virgin pint of Ben and Jerry's (yeah I know, they're political assholes) New York Super Fudge Chunk in the freezer.

ben and jerry did what most liberal assholes do, sold out to a huge conglomerate.
on May 04, 2007
I have a pint of Neapolitan Dynamite in the freezer. It's Cherry Garcia and Chocolate Fudge Brownie together.
on May 04, 2007
Hey, Ben and Jerry are sometimes the only dates I have, so ya'll just lay off!

And thanks LW. I plan to answer your challenge soon. Unfortunately, I've got too many checkouts to do at the moment. The only way I can respond right now is because I got ahead and I'm hiding at the moment.
on May 04, 2007

Reply By: little-whipPosted: Friday, May 04, 2007
~kicks in another comment with an eye for 100 total.

That ought to make ya happy, Modster!


if this crap get to 100 I will vomit.

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