America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on December 4, 2006 By Moderateman In US Domestic

Well now Bush has given the leftwing, Rumsfeld, they have wanted him gone and Bush being the smart man he is let Rummy go.

Now Bolton, John Bolton who has done a wonderful job at the U.N. has handed in his resignation, giving the leftwing another one.


I will wait for the leftwing to start working with the President after these two gestures of peace from President Bush.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 07, 2007
Bush being the smart man he is let Rummy go.

It was more of a sacrifice to the liberals that wanted Rummy's head on a spit.

I did a little research on Rummy and 9/11 did you know that he was the only one that saw a terrorist attack on the United States? On tuesday September 11th he had a breakfast meeting wtih the Congressional leadership where he argued the need to increase troop levels, revamp the military in order to deal with a war on terror. He was told that Congress was fixed on the social security lock box and nothing that threatened social security would get serious consideration. This was from both sides of the isle. In order fot the SecDef to talk to Congress he had to get permission from his boss the President. Yet no one seems to understand why Our president allowed 9/11 to happen. I can't understand why he got rid of the only person that was working to fight the terrorist before they attacked us.
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