America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Speak English damn it.
Published on October 25, 2006 By Moderateman In Politics

 The ever contaversial Sherrif of Maricopa county has made news again, this time he is offering english lessons to the large Hispanic population in his custody.  Joe Arpaio  you rock!

He feels that his guards should not be forced to take a second language to communicate with prisoners.

Just now on Fox news I saw a leading member of the Hispanic community compare this with concentration camps.


Yup making someone learn english is just the same as gassing them to death, starving them to death. Please!!!!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 25, 2006
BakerStreetOctober 25, 2006 22:20:25

It will definately make it easier to sell crack to the natives.

oh my baker am I to take it that all hispanics are crack dealers?
on Oct 25, 2006
feisty_in_ohioOctober 25, 2006 22:38:36

love that sheriff - law enforcement as it is meant to be.

Then you know my Husband - King of the Ohio chapter of D.O.M.

I believe I gave him his charter. bahahahahahahah
on Oct 25, 2006
Reply #30
I love this sheriff...he does indeed ROCK!

Pink underwear...gotta love this guy

pink everything. and yes love him.
on Oct 25, 2006
"oh my baker am I to take it that all hispanics are crack dealers?

Nope, but hispanic criminals are criminals whether they are hispanic or not. Like I said, if I have the choice of devoting taxpayer resources to people that have abused society, or for people who are protecting society, I'll choose the latter.

Do you really think that with untold numbers of hispanics in America that speak little or no English, that English is the problem here? I thought the point in this sheriff's whole schtick was to make things hard on prisoners because prison is hard. Setting up schools doesn't seem to fit with that.

If these people are in our country illegally, we shouldn't be spending a DIME on them beyond deporting them back to Mexico. It's insipid to make law abiding people pay for English lessons and then give people in prison free lessons.
on Oct 26, 2006

If these people are in our country illegally, we shouldn't be spending a DIME on them beyond deporting them back to Mexico. It's insipid to make law abiding people pay for English lessons and then give people in prison free lessons.
Reply By: BakerStreetPosted: Wednesday, October 25, 2006


here we agree, illegals should be deported as soon as they are released.

In guess it makes sense when you say that the extra expense is unfair to those that have to pay to learn english.

on Oct 26, 2006
we shouldn't be spending a DIME on them beyond deporting them back to Mexico.

Agreed, but until immigration laws are reformed, local law enforcement has little choice but to 'catch and release.' They simply don't have the funds or facilities required to hold these people until their free (free for them, that is) ride home can be arranged.

(Citizen)little-whipOctober 26, 2006 12:34:53Reply

Maybe we should take a clue from the sherrif and build more tent city prisons. they are way cheaper than concrete and steel prisons.

on Oct 26, 2006
The catch-and-release problem honestly isn't a problem with our illegal immigration policies. The problem is the Mexican government is in the business of exporting their social problems, crime and poverty, here.

What needs to be done is to close the border with Mexico and treat it like a REAL border and impose sanctions until they show REAL concern and effort to guard the border on their side. If they think their economic problems are bad now, just imagine what it will be once the goods stop flowing here.

It wouldn't even happen. They'd sh*t their drawers if we officially decided to do it.
on Oct 26, 2006

BakerStreetOctober 26, 2006 18:40:48

The catch-and-release problem honestly isn't a problem with our illegal immigration policies. The problem is the Mexican government is in the business of exporting their social problems, crime and poverty, here.

I think you nailed it.

It will never happen of course, I can already smell the blood from the bleeding hearts.
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