America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
First off I totally understand people I WOULD LIKE TO MEET MIGHT NOT WANT TO MEET ME!

Whip, Because she is outrageous and bright and under that "i will kill persona" Beats a heart of gold.

Drmiler, because even though he was a navy man , he has the heart of a patriot and warrior.

Drguy, because we think so much alike.

Tex, because never have I seen a woman/child as in love with life as she.

Dharma< her kind and gentle ways have always soothed the savage beast inside of me.

Maso, because of his outstanding love for life and his wife makes me think we could bridge the oceans betwen us and become good pals if not friends.

Gid, because I have seldom seen a more stubborn out spoken in your face kind of man.

Mason, because thugs together have more fun when they are not 'REAL THUGS" anymore.

shovel, because he keeps us safe from the monsters that live among us and he is a biker dude, we could trade war stories all night I am sure.

Baker and terp must be 10, I have much in common with baker {scarey huh baker} and terp has a heart of gold.
Foreverserenity, her loving ways ahve reached me in a manner I was suprised to see. Ted, who stands fast in his religion and views and always debates kindly {except for colgene who could pss a saint off} Island dog, Who I have been missing recently and how quickly he has become someone I look forward to reading.

The end!" Who would you like meeting?, and please do not feel if you are my list I have to be on yours.
Comments (Page 6)
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on May 14, 2006
#79 by Dr. Guy
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Missed this one due to JU down. Same place as usual. Brawley. I need a new cap, and my dentist wants to charge me $900. The lady in Algodones charges $160! No competition!

Will Email you with my cell.

too far away to think about a cup of coffee, I checked on california map, but still a nice voice talk would be very cool.
on May 15, 2006
What can I say. I would like to meet Baker( probably he too shares a passion for Conon Doyle lit), Myyander(I like his concern for animals), Draginol (I like his keen sense of observation)paratek2 ( I like his direct forthright style)Col Gene(I agree with much of his politics but not on the way he presents his side)Texas Wahini( afterall I spent 10 years in Hawaii). In fact this list is by no means exhaustive. I do like and admire almost all regular bloggers of JU even if sometimes we agree to disagree.
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