America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
How to fail in life and still feel good.
Published on May 29, 2007 By Moderateman In Philosophy

 I have written about this before and will most likely write about this again.

The downfall of America is Political correctness, promoted by Secular Progressives {gag} nothing progressive about failure, and living on the dole but this is what political correctness is all about.

Lets start at when people from other countries migrated to America, they took PRIDE in learning English, the language of this country, now in steps political correctness "oh no these people should not have to learn English, they are to stupid or weak or it's just to darn hard, so lets have all of America change its way and print things in their native language, lets take it a step further and teach classes in their language ignoring the needs on native born single language English speaking children and catering to the ones that make no effort to learn how to speak the language of the land."

Now comes Immigration itself, some wait for years to come to America, learn the language as posted above, become citizens, this whole process takes years, but now here comes political correctness again, Now people sneak across the border and instead of being treated like the criminals they are, we treat them like citizens, even better than the people that have waited for years to become citizens, free medical, free money {welfare} and because they are ILLEGALS IN some cities that is a "get out of jail free card". All of this brought to you care of the Secular Progressives {gag} oh and the cost? not on them, it comes out of your pocket and my pocket, in the form of more taxes.

The race card!~ a powerful tool used for no reason at all, but its power is fueled by guess what? Secular progressives {gag}| All anyone has to do is DISAGREE with any minority for any reason, including lawful reasons and bang here it comes... YOU ARE RACIST! you are a bigot! it needs no proof, it stands alone, why you say? because political correctness declares anyone disagreeing with their policies MUST BE A RACIST PIG.

Political correctness in MOST of its forms is bringing down the nation, it allows failure to be ok, it's not YOUR fault your a failure, it's that, this, him, her, they, them, us, we, anyone but YOUR fault. It's ok to fail and be fed of the blood of others, because political correctness says so, and secular progressives {gag} push this on you you poor benighted soul.

Schools, look at them , we are spending more money per child than any point in history, yet are children are learning less than any other point in American history, why? Because the teachers must spend more time teaching children that have not a clue about English because their parents feel it's not their job to teach them, it's someone else's. Typical. We have political correctness to thank for this too and of course the SECULAR PROGRESSIVES, {GAG} who if you look carefully are NOT PROGRESSIVE at all!

The final insult to America, today in the United States Mail I received a notice printed in not one, not two, not three but in counting English, twelve {12} different languages, Twelve! Now the cost of this is passed on to who? you! and I! and all of the taxpayers of California, this is disgraceful conduct Arnold, absolutely despicable! to HAVE TO  print things in TWELVE languages in order to be Politically correct and to bow at the alter of Secular progressivism!!! {GAG!}


on May 29, 2007
My husband's mother came here from Mexico. She is an accountant. My husband speaks almost no Spanish.

on May 29, 2007
My husband's mother came here from Mexico. She is an accountant. My husband speaks almost no Spanish.

(Citizen)Texas WahineMay 29, 2007 18:01:55

That is sad Adrian has lost most his heritage language.. it is something I wish I held on to more. very cool though that your mom in law is a legal immigrant, just like both my parents.

on May 29, 2007

Keep preachin' brother, keep preachin!

(And yes, you can get an AMEN from this corner!)

on May 29, 2007

Reply By: terpfan1980Posted: Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Keep preachin' brother, keep preachin!
(And yes, you can get an AMEN from this corner!)

The good thing is, this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but I am sure someone will come here and say " I read your article and disagreed with it" no other comment to follow.

on May 29, 2007

Reply By: little-whipPosted: Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Aww Elie, you just need a little more compassion, that's all.

sure, I will compassionately put a bullet in their brain pan, I promise no pain. how's that for compassion.

on May 30, 2007

On a side note, the parents of the Venezuelan boy I am tutoring are trying to learn English (and I am picking up some of my HS spanish as well).  ONe of the first 2 phrases that his father learned was "shit".  my pupil had to tell his father that it was not considered a nice word.

There are still some out there that are willing to learn and become Americans.  And are not looking for a free pass.  But if Congress has its way, that will be all for nothing.  12 langauges is stupid, as is ballots in 2 (or more).  What they are doing by not forcing them to learn the language is make them permanent second class citizens that will never be able to do more than dig ditches and mow lawns.  IN other words, doing to them what welfare has already done to many native born americans.

on May 30, 2007

Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Wednesday, May 30, 2007
On a side note, the parents of the Venezuelan boy I am tutoring are trying to learn English (and I am picking up some of my HS spanish as well). ONe of the first 2 phrases that his father learned was "shit". my pupil had to tell his father that it was not considered a nice word.

I would never presume that even all Illegals do not want to learn english and fit it, If I was an Illegal the first thing I would do is take an english class so I would blend better.

on May 30, 2007
The downfall of America is Political correctness

The same can be said for Britain.

on May 30, 2007

Reply By: jennifer1Posted: Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The downfall of America is Political correctness

The same can be said for Britain.

yes I read about how the British governemnt is bending over backwards to please the Muslim population, even to the point of revising history so as NOT to offend them.